Featured Posters
of the Month
Featured Baseball Artist
of the Month
Born and raised in Huntingdon, a small town southwest of Montreal, Canada,
DWIGHT BAIRD has been specializing in watercolours for the past
twenty years. Upon graduation with a diploma in Visual and Creative Arts
from St. Lawrence College in Cornwall, Ontario, he worked as a graphic
artist and then spent two years traveling and painting in Europe.

In 1993 Baird
turned to baseball and presented an extensive series of over fifty original pieces entitled FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAME , which covered all aspects of The National Pastime. Following this exhibition the artist founded The Show Posters and published many images in lithograph
and poster format which are now well
known in both the United States and Canada. In 1992 he was commissioned by Major League Baseball to complete three illustrations
for the Major League Baseball All-Star Program for an article on Fantasy Baseball Camps. The cover concept for the 1994 Major
League Baseball Program was taken from Baird's now classic image,
AT THE TWILIGHTS LAST GLEAMING which features a cropped image from neck to thigh of both National and American league players lined
up for the pre-game National Anthem.
Prints and Posters
Featured Prints
and Fine Art
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