The internet gives you the opportunity to share
your thoughts with others. It is also great to hear what others think and to exchange ideas.
On this page, We'll share
some of the comments we receive from the survey below. Please take the time to take the survey. Then email it to us. This
is a new feature. When we have a collection of data or responses we will post them on this page. Your identity will not be
revealed. Thanks, BTCJ Staff
Please email your survey to: baseballcoachingdigest(dot)com.
Baseball Today Coaching Journal National
Coach Survey
1. What is the funniest thing you have ever had a player do on the field during the game?
What is the funniest thing you ever heard a player say?
3. What is the strangest thing that a parent ever said to
4. What is the worst call you have ever seen an umpire make?
5. What was the worst excuse you ever heard
from a player?
6. What was the worst excuse you ever heard from a parent?
7. What was the worst excuse you
ever heard from a coach?
8. What do you like most about coaching?
9. In your opinion, what has made the game
10. In you opinion what has hurt the game of baseball most?