BatAction Baseball Hitting Drills and Tips can be used to improve batting skill and swing quality. Below are recommended
Bat Action Machine drills and coaching tips.

Machine - "The Absolute Best Hitting Machine on This Planet!" |
Machine Special Edition |
20-Minute Workout! "Just One Hour a Week Can Make You a 400+ Hitter!"

This workout is the absolute best home workout available today! The workout covers every phase and required
skill of hitting. The batter spends just 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week, to become a hitter than dominates the game with
skill, bat speed and confidence!
DIRECTIONS: Each drill targets a specific part of the body to build strength.
- Batter should work fast taking swings as quickly as possible. Each swing counts whether it is a hit or miss.
#2 - BOTTOM HAND DRILL - 10 SWINGS -The batter should work fast taking swings as fast and quickly as possible. Each swing
counts whether it is a hit or miss.
DRILL #3 -HIP TURNER DRILL - 10 SWINGS - The batter should make sure the ball is
directed at the front side back hip pocket. The batter takes a swing every 10 seconds.
- 15 SWINGS - Batter should make sure the ball is directed at the batter's back foot in what we known as the INSIDE CONTACT
POSITION. A swing should be taken every 10 seconds.
DRILL #5 - REGULAR CONTACT DRILL - 15 SWINGS - Batter should make
sure the ball is at the proper angle and position for REGULAR CONTACT. A swing is taken every 10 seconds.
- AWAY CONTACT - 15 SWINGS - Batter should make sure the ball is positioned at the proper angle to the batter for AWAY CONTACT.
NOTE: The balance of the remaining time should be used to perform these three drills:
Find out more....
FREE SHIPPING SPECIAL OFFER FOR OUR READERS! Order Any BatAction Machine within 72 Hours and RECEIVE
FREE SHIPPING. Offer Ends Monday, July 21, 2003 at Midnight.
You have heard of it! The greatest breakthrough in hitting technology to come out in years! Players love it!
Coaches love it! It is the talk of the baseball and fastpitch softball world! Here we take a look at the many popular and
productive drills that hitters perform to rapidly improve! We also include several tips that can make using your BatAction
Machine even more productive!
Improve your practice and improve your play! Check out the great SUMMER SAVINGS we are offering our readers in this SPECIAL
Did You Learn to Hit on a "Johnny Bench Batter-UP"? |
Did you love your "Johnny Bench Batter Up" Rotational Trainer From the 70's? Looking for similar machine
for your player? The BatAction Machine features the same ball movement but with a heavy-duty space age design that offers
superior performance and durability!
If you are old enough to remember the Johnny B "Batter-Up", then you
will really appreciate what the BatAction offers your hitter! The BatAction features the same high speed ball rotation but
in a larger circle! The BatAction is made with today's "space age" technology to offer a high performance machine that will
provide your players with years and years of quality practice! In fact, Coach Nick owned a "Batter-Up" years ago! Happy
Hitters and Happy Customers are our best advertising method! Read what a recent customer had to say about his BatAction purchase!Coach
Dixon, Hello, I can't tell you how happy myself, my two boys and the 13-14 select baseball team are with the BatAction
Machine I purchased from you back in February. I am the teams hitting instructor. Since the day I received it, this machine
has been an integral part of my hitting instructions. The boys absolutely love to work with this machine! For the first
time in team history, we have several boys that are carrying a 400+ BA after nine games, the remaining boys are in the 300+
range. Impressive stats based on the kind of pitching we face. The boys are more focused with clean crisp line drive swings.
They now carry loads of confidence to the plate. Thank you! The machine is flat out great! M.S. McKinney, TX
Read on...
Make a Solid Investment in Your Player's Career! Improved Hitting Guaranteed! |
BatAction Machines - What makes it the best investment in a prospect's future? Buying a BatAction
Machine is one of the smartest parental decisions you will ever make! You have our 100% Money-Back Guarantee to PROVE IT!
For less than an expensive bat you can purchase the absolute best hitting machine ever! A machine known for producing 100
to 200 point increases in batting averages for both teams and players! The BatAction Machine gives teams and players
3 distinct advantages: 1) More Quality Swings Year Round! 2) Instant Feedback on Swing Quality!Feedback that helps "coach"
you to a perfect swing and better skill! 3) Practicing alone is one trait of a dedicated and motivated future prospect.
There is no better machine for this purpose! If you own the BatAction, you know what we mean when we say it is the
very best breakthrough in hitting technology to come out in years! If you do not have one in your yard, we suggest that you
make the call as soon as possible! Do not miss another day! You will always be glad that you did! Your player will be glad!
FREE SHIPPING if you order any BatAction Machine at full retail price during our 3-day offer. Offer not valid with any
other discount or offer. Order today! Remember, your purchase is protected by our 100% Money back Guarantee. Call toll
free, 1-866- 500-4487 or 1-877-431-4487 to order now!
Full Story
BatAction Tip - Make Your Powerbands Last Years! |
The BatAction Machine uses specially designed BatAction powerbands to return the ball after each swing. The
machine's action is a "wrapping and unwrapping" process. Batters must allow the machine to unwind between swings to allow
the tension on the bands to release. If the batter hits the ball every time it approaches without allowing the machine to
unwind, the powerbands will stretch too tight, fatigue and break. Also take them off after every use and store them indoors
so they do not get weathered. Powerbands should last at least a year. "STREAK DRILL" - BUILDS SKILL AND ENTERTAINS
AT THE SAME TIME!DIRECTIONS:1. The STREAK DRILL is actually a competition. The batter competes against
their best score ever or against another batter. 2. The object of the drill is to hit the balls as many times as possible,
in succession, without a clean miss. The number of times the batter hits the ball, in a row, is that batter's STREAK NUMBER
for that day or competition. 3. If the batter cleanly misses. The streak ends and the other batter takes their turn at
hitting. 4. When two players compete, the players take turns batting to see who can build the longest streak. Any contact
with the ball keeps the streak going. 5. If a batter touches the ball with a hand, a non swinging bat, or stops the ball
in anyway, that batter's streak is stopped. 6. The batter should make sure to make contact with the ball component and
not the shaft. COACHING TIP from Coach Nick: The STREAK DRILL is an excellent way to develop a player's ability
to perform under pressure. It also brings out the competitive spirit in all players. You may wish to divide the team into
ability groups. Make sure to carry your BatAction on the road to games and tournaments. The BatAction is great pre-game warm-up!
It is so much fun, players love to hit it between games.
Full Story
1. The drill is used to
teach a hitter not to step out or "into the bucket". The drill works very well in stopping this common flaw. 2. The batter
begins the drill standing farther away from the machine than normal. This starting position allows the batter to take two
steps inward before swinging the bat. 3. The batter step first with the back foot and then with the front foot. When the
front "lands" the batter attacks the ball. 4. The drill may be performed with the ball moving or in the "still position". 5.
The batter takes time to reset and observe all body movement before and after the swing. It is sometimes good to have the
hitter freeze after the swing to see if the proper finish position is achieved. 6. The batter should make sure to make
contact with the ball component and not the shaft.
The batter will perform the drill by alternating and hitting from both sides or directions. 2. The batter assumes a position
with the machine directly in front. The ball should be pointing directly at the middle of the batter's body. The batter starts
the drill by hitting the ball the first time from the "still" position. The batter continues to hit the ball as it comes by
every third pass. 3. The batter must take the time to reset before each swing to insure proper techniques and fundamentals
are being practiced. When the ball is hit hard with a level swing, the ball will return level at a good speed. 4. If the
ball is missed or miss-hit, the ball will "jitterbug" or "bobble" up and down. When the ball is bouncing, the batter may wish
to stop the drill and start over. The batter may choose to hit the ball as it bounces. This is a difficult and challenging
More on this topic
BatAction - Perfect for all ages and skill levels! |
COACHING TIP from Coach Nick: Rapid skill and bat speed improvements are common when players regularly use
the BatAction Machine. It is recommended that players increase their number of swings and reps as their bat speed and skill
improves. Players may also change the suggested workout to cater to their own needs and deficiencies. For example, if a player
is having difficulty hitting pitches to the opposite field. The player may wish to double the "Away Contact" swings and reduce
the "Inside Contact" swings. The more times you swing the bat weekly, the better you become. The BatAction gives you thousands
of more quality swings than other conventional or inferior equipment. Nothing comes close to matching the BatAction in swing
- You can change the height of the ball in seconds. First, remove the BatAction Powerbands.(Unhook From The Top First) Next,
with the Powerbands removed, hold the machine by the top handle, loosen the height adjustment knob with the other hand. Slide
the machine's top unit up or down to the desired height. When it is at the desired height, turn the knob to lock it into place
securely. Install the Powerbands(connect on the bottom first). If you need to change the tension on a Powerband, slide the
plastic connector ball up the cord and tie a new knot.
BALL SPEED ADJUSTMENT - The Powerbands are your speed
adjustment mechanism on your new BatAction Machine. You add a Powerband to increase speed and remove a Powerband to decrease
speed. Always follow the safety instruction when removing or adding Powerbands. The most popular configuration of Powerbands
is two hooked togetther on the outside hook. Young or beginner players may need to begin using the machine with only a single
CHANGING STRIKE LOCATIONS - You will be able to practice hitter every possible strike location with
your new BatAction Machine. The machine is always anchored with groundpis, sandbags, and anchor receiver. The machine is never
moved, The batter changes strike location by moving to a different location and to a different angle to the machine's ball
rod. The batter should aways strive to keep the ball's rod directed at the batter's back foot.
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