How does the machine actually
The BATACTION SELF-TRAINER™ Machine is a "self-contained" hitting machine that allows a batter to swing "full speed" at
a ball moving at high speeds as it rotates around the machine's axis.
The BATACTION SELF-TRAINER™ action can best be described as a rotating forward and rotating backwards,
wrapping and unwrapping process. The ball is hit and the powerbands wrap around the machine. The powerbands unwrap and bring
the batter the next pitch.
Here is how the BATACTION SELF-TRAINER™ works, step by step:
1. As a the hitter first approaches the BATACTION SELF-TRAINER™ or starts the drill, the ball is still. The
first swing will be like hitting a ball off a traditional batting tee.
2. The innovative BATACTION SELF-TRAINER™ uses bungy "powerbands" as its energy source.
When the ball is hit, the ball will rotate forward until the machine's "powerbands" slow it down, stop it, and make it reverse
it's motion.
now unwrap and this unwrapping motion brings a moving ball mack to the hitter for the next swing.
4. The batter will
let it come by at least once or twice and then hit the ball on the next pass. The batter must let the machine unwrap before
hitting it again. This prevents the machine being wrapped too tight and the stretching or breaking of the "powerbands".
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Does the ball rotate?
Yes, the BATACTION SELF-TRAINER™ ball does rotate. It rotates in a circle 8 1/2 feet in diameter. The 2.75 diameter ball is
molded onto a composite rod that is locked into the BATACTION SELF-TRAINER™.
The BATACTION SELF-TRAINER™ circular ball movement allows the batter ample time to "track" each pitch as it comes in and
leaves the bat.
The large circular ball movement closely simulates real pitching and real hitting conditions. The
speed ball movement drills are guaranteed to rapidly improve hitting skill and to develop incredible bat speed.
is 100% Guaranteed. Every BATACTION SELF-TRAINER™
purchase is a NO RISK purchase because it is backed by Coach Nick's "IMPROVED HITTING SUCCESS OR MONEY-BACK" Offer! Don't
Delay Another Day! ORDER NOW!
Order Online Now!...Click Here!
How much space is required to use the Bataction machine?
How much space is required to use the Bataction?
Not as much as you would think! The ball rotates in a 8 1/2 feet circle.
So a room 9 or 10 feet wide and 15 feet long will work fine. Most BatAction Machine owners use the machine indoors during
cold or rainy weather.