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Here is our Top recommended books. They are in no particular order.

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1. Book: "Focused for Fastpitch" by Gloria Solomon - This book is excellent. Informative yet easy to read, mastering the Focused for Fastpitch training principles
requires no prior experience, and each chapter includes interactive exercises and charts to help monitor progress. Each drill
clearly specifies the mental and physical skills targeted, the goal, proper execution, coaching tips, and variations for increasing
or decreasing difficulty. And for additional insight into successful skill building, some favorite drills are included
from these top coaches.
2. Book: The Softball Coaching Bible by National Fastpitch Coaches Association - In The Softball Coaching Bible, 28 of the top U.S. coaches share their principles, insights, strategies, methods,
and experiences to help you enhance the experience and development of your own athletes. The topics range from teaching the
best skills and drills to subjects rarely written about, such as developing responsible athletes and building character
and loyalty in players.
. 3. Book: "The Softball Pitching Edge" by Cheri Kempf -This book offers an in-depth look into the art and science of softball pitching that will help you develop elite-level
fastpitch skills through drills and expert technical advice. The Softball Pitching Edge shows the
correct way to deliver the ball from the rubber to the plate to maximize effectiveness and minimize the risk of injury.
It’s the first book on fastpitch softball to dissect the pitching motion through pictures and drawings of the correct
mechanics. It also explains how to master those mechanics so that you can throw with greater control and speed. You’ll
also find specific instruction on developing a variety of pitches, including the drop, the change-up, the rise, the curve,
and the screwball. This book can be used to improve your technique and add new pitches to your arsenal for more strikeouts
and greater success on the mound.

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5. Book: "Winning Softball Drills" - 4th Edition by Dianne Baker, Texas Woman's University - This book is a softball coach's manual that's used to choose and organize practice drills for
all fundamentals of the game. It is used to help coaches get the most from their athletes during
practice through the use of specific drills and to help coaches produce organized and time-efficient practices. This is
the 4th printing so this is a very popular reference used by many coaches. This new issue is spiral bound which should make
it easier and more durable. This is a great book that you will be use every day.

6. Book: "101 Offensive Softball Drills" by Sue Enquist (UCLA) - This book is a must for all coaches at all levels. It has 101 drills for developing offensive
softball skills. Covers lower body hitting drills, upper body hitting drills, combination hitting drills, batting tee, soft
toss, timing and rhythm, bunting, baserunning, sliding, mental drills, and much more.
7. Book: Softball Pitching Fundamentals and Techniques by Carrie Dever-Boaz (University of Arkansas) -- Covers the basics, throwing different pitches, mental preparation, physical preparation (including off- season
workouts), drills, and much more.
8. Book: "Coaching Fastpitch Softball Successfully" by Kathy Veroni - With practice and conditioning plans, administrative forms, sample scouting charts, tactics for dozens of
game situations, and more than 130 drills, Coaching Fastpitch Softball Successfully is the most complete resource available
for aspiring and experienced coaches alike. Take advantage of the authors’ expertise to gain a winning edge over your
competition. provides the guidance and technical expertise you need in order to build and maintain a competitive team, covering
every facet of leading a squad on the field and developing a program off of it.
9.Book: Peak Conditioning Training for Softball by Thomas Emma (Power Performance, Inc.) -Peak Conditioning Training for Softball is a step-by-step guide for how to get into optimum softball
shape. It presents a comprehensive and easy-to-understand blueprint that players and coaches can follow on a year-round
basis. The book provides step-by-step instructions for improving on-the-field performance by developing the key fitness
components for softball. Topics include nutrition; conditioning basics; warm-up, cool-down, and flexibility; strength
training exercises; balance training; plyometric drills; speed, quickness, and agility exercises; and more.
10. Book: "Softball Fundamentals" by Rick Noren -Book covers how to execute each of the game’s key skills properly through the concise instruction
and accompanying photos presented for each technique. More than 48 gamelike drills will speed your skill learning and
improve your performance. You’ll also learn how to apply your newfound skills in game situations and gain an understanding
of offensive and defensive tactics to get an edge over your opponents.