
The HandsBack Hitter teaches the mechanics of the perfect baseball swing. It teaches hitters the
proper "stride and swing" fundamentals for correctly hitting a baseball.

The Hands Back Hitter™ Pro Model is the simplest, most affordable,
yet most instructive training aid on the market. And to insure that you will practice often, it makes you a better hitter
while you are having fun.
- The Hands Back Hitter Pro-Model.
- Uses ALL type balls real and plastic; baseball or softball.
- The unique popper design allows the operator to adjust pitch height for any type
- The same unit assembles for righties and lefties.
- It comes with an extra string, 12 medium weight plastic balls, and a CD-ROM training
- This patented pitching machine/ batting tee hybrid controls the swing sequence for
teaching rotational hitting and opposite field mechanics .
- Extremely durable and used from LL to D-1 Programs. The trainer players love
to use.
- Easy to use...
- Push down on the popper.
- Place a ball on the launcher.
- Load your hands back as you stride to landing on the firing cord.
The Hands Back Hitter™, the affordable, portable, personal batting
station that keeps them training and swinging right even when your not there.

Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What do you do for LH batters? The same unit
ASSEMBLES for either RH OR LH.
2. Can you change it over? You can but it
takes about 3-4 minutes and most coaches buy two (2) for team practice because of the price, it just saves time and you can
run two stations at once.
3. What balls do I use? It comes with 12 medium
weight plastic balls but you can use real baseballs, softballs, and golf ball wifflesTM too.
4. What powers it? There is a patented spring
popper that allows height adjustment for all weight balls...it takes no electricity. You can use it is the rain.
5. Will the string wear out? We recommend no cleats
but strings have not been a problem. Besides they add a second string free just in case.
6. How will I know how to use it? It comes with
a Training CD with about 100 slides with some streaming video. If you do not have a computer, it has pictures with instructions
in the assembly guide and coaching tips.
7. What ages and gender? It adjusts for
arm length and the long trigger area allows the batter to move up and away about 14 inches with no adjustment between batters
required. Very athletic 6-7 Y.O kids learn well and all payers up to and through college. Most now consider the fast
pitch swing to be the same as MLB swing so it have equal application for baseball and softball.
8. How hard is it to assemble? 4
hands tighten knobs and NO TOOLS the popper is pre-assembled.
9. Do you have to cock it each time? Yes, we want
them to work more slowly, concentrating on balance, stride, and load. Swinging in rapid succession makes for upper body
hitters. This is what makes this trainer so good.
10. Why does it make you hit better? The Hands
Back Hitter separates the swing and the stride and forces deeper ball contact. It promotes a hip driven swing
that is powerful and adjust for different pitch speeds.
Free Training CD Included! |

Customer Testimonials:
The absolutley best hitting tool we ever bought for our 3 sons
3 of them are hitting 600 or better in little leaque!
I've used the HBH for 3 years now , both personally , and with the girls I coach ...I think it's
a great tool , if used as part of a hitting station , along with other drills .....
"Coach H"
I have two HBH and have had good results using them with kids on my team. The HBH does force
the user to keep the hands back which most young kids never do.
"Coach S"
SwingBuster also Makes This Fine Product!


"Finally a fun batting trainer that teaches the correct swing." - Mike Epstein, hitting instructor
"We use the Hands Back Hitter to teach separation between stride and swing."
Coach Woody Hunt, (Cumberland University) 2004 NAIA National Champs

How It Works Place
a ball on the launcher. With a normal stride, the batter sets the ball into motion by stepping on a string (firing cord).
The ball will appear in the hitting zone with the hitter in the correct timing sequence...hands back, foot down, hips launching
the swing.
The Hands Back Hitter corrects hitting flaws. The offset tee position
makes you contact the ball between the balls of your feet. The resistor arch makes you stride carefully to balance softly
on the lead toe. The vertical popper elevates the ball after the front foot is down, creating the timing sequence of the early
stride. The front toe down on the string and the heel up sets the stage for bat launch through hip rotation. Feel and teach
how to load/coil your body as you stride to hit and the effortless power that comes from torque.
A Free Hitting CD is included which teaches hitters to
1) Keep hands back 2) Stride to balance and 3) Fire the hips. Also includes 100 instructional slides along with video clips.
The "How it Works" graphic below shows the "Youth Model". Both models work the
The Pro models uses all types of balls. (Plastic, Real Baseball,
Real Softballs, Pitching Machine Balls,)

More Customer Testimonials:
HBH is a great training tool.
It is paticularly useful in separating the stride from the swing
(it does not encourage the dreaded interruption feared by PCR "slop eliminators") so kids can practice getting a good lower
body foundation beneath themselves to support the swing instead of trying to stride and swing at the same time. Epstein and
Peavy also find it very helpful.
Kids can get some brief instruction, then amuse themselves for hours with the device
in a way that fits with the principles of the mlb swing. the mlb swing.
I bought the HBH when it first came out, and I must say that I was more than pleased with the
results. It soon became the most popular by far of our hitting stations, and with very few exceptions, at least the problem
of swinging while striding quickly ceased to be a concern. It also seemed to be as effective for the less motivated as for
those who really worked to improve.
SwingBuster also Makes
This Fine Product!


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