How To Develop A Balanced Hitting Base For Youth Baseball Players!
By Chip Lemin
When I see a youth baseball player shooting line drives all
over the field, there are certain things I look for in their swing. The first thing I usually notice will be that the player
is balanced during the entire swing. Balance in a baseball swing is something that will deliver consistent results for the
hitter. The balance in a baseball swing begins with the stance. The player's weight should be evenly distributed on both feet
to start. When the player begins the trigger, or start of the swing, some of the weight will then shift to the back leg. These
subtle movements were not always clear to me. I learned most of this from watching our team take hitting instruction from
a professional instructor.
Some people will groan about paying someone to help a youth
baseball player learn to hit properly. I must say years ago I was not a believer in hitting lessons. I thought I already knew
all about hitting. My child has always been able to hit well, mostly due to natural talent luckily. My child was asked to
play in a tournament with a travel team. This team used hitting instruction. As I watched how much it helped my child improve,
I wanted to know more.
The best baseball swings are usually short and compact with
a smooth follow through. Most parents teach their kids to take a long stride. I was guilty of this this. I also let their
arms drop down too low, developing a long slow swing. Most of my mistakes were at the tee ball and coach pitch level with
my first child. My eyes were opened at these hitting instructions that I had a lot to learn. Taking a wider balanced stance
is the beginning of a solid base to hit from. The first thing the instructor did was widen up my kid's stance. This improved
the balance right way. It also makes it harder to take a long stride to the ball. I am in favor of hitting instruction as
early as the player will accept it. Don't ever force them to go. My child was a little hesitant until watching other kids
having fun doing it.
My early ideas about keeping the elbow up, and the long stride,
did not lead to a balanced powerful swing. I quickly learned to accept a new way of thinking. The earlier a youth baseball
player learns to develop a balanced swing the better. A balanced swing makes it easier to hit to all fields. A balanced swing
is much easier to repeat over and over from a good balanced base. The first move to the baseball from the trigger position
will be with the hands. This is difficult for young players to learn at first. The are many drills to help instill this important
part of the swing. I will share some of them with you soon in an upcoming article.
We have covered the very basics of the balanced hitting base
of the swing. Most players will have to widen their stance to at least shoulder with. Some players even a little more may
be needed. My child has a wide stance. This helps keep the toes on the ground during the beginning of the swing. If a player
is lifting up the toes during the swing, they are shifting their weight improperly. The hands should be held as high as the
player feels comfortable with. They should not be buried up against the body either, We are trying to eliminate movement that
is not needed in the swing. When there is less movement, it is easier to stay balanced. So go find a quality hitting instructor
that both you and your child feel good about. Get some references from others if needed. Go to lessons with an open mind.
You will both learn a lot about balance in the baseball swing.
Coach Chip
Chip Lemin has been a promoter of youth baseball since they started using aluminum bats. That's
a long time. I have witnessed many good people get into coaching without solid coaching skills and it is not fun for them
or the kids.Today's newer coaches are also being shortchanged on sportsmanship, like there is none. Visit my site to sign
up for a insightful, informational, free coaching e-course at http://www.baseballecourse.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chip_Lemin |
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