It is important that every pitcher has an understanding
of how a sound delivery looks and feels and also has the ability to teach it. It is the most important aspect of getting the
most out of your ability. A sound and proper delivery will improve the pitchers ability to control or locate pitches.
It is not my intention to clone pitchers or make
all of them throw exactly alike. Body type and natural arm slot are different for everyone. However, there are six areas of
the delivery on which detailed time is spent. Here are the 6 elements of a perfect pitching delivery:
- Stance/Transfer
- body upright, relaxed,
exhale - weight always on glove side foot (in wind up) - ball in hand in glove in front of body - transfer is
simply taking weight from glove side foot and shifting it to throwing arm foot - soft center (see the "big picture")
- Rocker Step
- Glove side foot takes
short back step directly toward 2B - If you work your hands above your head, you must get them there in this phase; however,
it is preferred that hands stay in front of chest.
- Lock Pivot
- Pivot foot must lock
in at the front of rubber before any weight goes forward.
- Balance
- knees "brush" - pick balance
leg up with quadriceps muscle - relax lower leg - very slight flex in pivot leg (do not drop or sit) - shoulders
parallel to ground - hand position varies (flow guys and hand stop guys) - no body weight "drifting" or leaking to
plate - head and eyes on location (still soft center) - thigh parallel (or slightly higher) to ground - foot on
balance leg directly below knee
- Break/Approach
(3 things - (A) Lead
Arm (B) Ann Swing (C) Stride)
Lead Arm (glove arm) gets
away from body but maintains closure (tunnel) - THE HANDS ACTUALLY LEAD THE BREAK/APPROACH PHASE
- Lead
- Arm swing straight down-back up (towards 2B) - Arm swing complete (elbow above shoulder) when stride placement
hits. - Fingers stay on top of ball during the entire arm swing
- Stride
- Stride foot actually needs to go down toward pitching rubber before going to stride placement - Stride placement
with foot closed (knee inside ball of foot) - no body weight outside front leg - "Stay back" (body weight 70% back
when stride hits) - stride leg is slightly flexed - Extreme location concentration (fine center) occurs when stride hits
ground (Power Phase)
- Release and Follow Through and Finish
- from "Power Position" take chest out to meet glove - hand speed to consistent release point - quiet head - eyes
focused on location (fine center) - stride leg becomes firm now (throw against front leg) - back heel to sky -
chest out over lead leg - keep glove to heart and front shoulder closed (it will open when it has to) - finish balanced,
square to the plate - hand outside of front knee
Why is a solid delivery so important?
- Generate
optimal hand speed through release
- consistent velocity
- Impart
the maximum spin on baseball
- movement of fastballs - spin on breaking balls
- Keep
the upper and lower body in sync (together) to release ball at consistent point
-Limit arm injuries
-Great confidence building - Easier
to make self-adjustments in games

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