I have compiled my list of the "MUST DO'S", that I feel every coach must coach by! These reflect the duties and responsibilities
accepted when one becomes a coach. Here are my "MUST DO'S":
1. I MUST..."Always remember that I am a role model, on and off the field, for all players and kids. I must remember
that everything I do is observed. Everything I say is heard.
2. I MUST..."Always remember that something I say or something I do not say can have an profound positive and negative
affect on a player. I am a coach because I care! I care about the game. I care about my players. I must act like I want to
be there! My player will observe and emulate my attitude. My attitude must show my dedication, excitement, and enthusiasm!
3. I MUST..."Constantly remember that the safety and well-being of my players is my responsibility and the old saying,
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure", is never truer than when it applies to sports accidents. Youth coaches
should apply a team rule that that at practice no player should swing a bat, unless the coach has given them permission to
do so.
4. I MUST..."Be fair to every player. I will treat every player equally with the same respect. I will always be
honest with my players. I will be mindful that praise is a great motivator. I will at times use constructive criticism but
I will always maintain a balance between correction and praise. I will speak "one-on-one" with every player, every day. This
may be something as simple as the question, "Jon, how is your day going?".
5. I MUST..."Demand and receive respect from every player at all times. Disrespect will not be tolerated. I will
remember discipline is a vital part of the game. Team and self-discipline is something I must teach and reinforce. Kids expect
and love discipline. Many players do not get enough discipline at home."
6. I MUST..."Dress and look the part of a coach. I will keep a clean and neat appearance at all team practices and
7. I MUST..."Remember that to be a good coach, I must first be a good teacher. It is my responsibility to teach
the fundamentals, rules and skills of the game. I will structure and organize every practice and pre-game ritual so that my
players will know what to do, will know what to expect, will be focused and stay busy." I must remember "idle" time is "trouble"
time when one is dealing with kids. I will always be the first to arrive and the last to leave all games, practices, meetings,
and all other team events!"
8. I MUST..."Coach the details during the game to help my players learn and perform to their highest level". I will
work hard at all times during practice and games. I will instill in my players the value of hard work and preparation.
9. I MUST..."Remember that character development and self-confidence are what youth sports is all about. Kids do
not have to play. They play because they want to have fun! I must have fun, know how to laugh, and enjoy every minute along
with my kids!"
10. I MUST..."Remember, that "WINNING is NOT EVERYTHING" but "EXPECTING to WIN" is. I must instill hope and
confidence as I prepare my team for each game!