Youth Baseball Digest - What is on Base Percentage? How is on Base Percentage
Calculated? [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] On Base Percentage (OBP) is a vital
baseball statistic that tells how effectively a batter is getting his job done at the plate. On baseball percentage is often
referred to the OBP. On Base Percentage is often referred to as the "on base average" or OBA.
Youth Baseball Digest - Good Pitcher Sometimes Can Not Throw a Strike - 10 Things to Check First [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] If you have a young baseball pitcher
that at times looks like a Josh Beckett or Randy Smith and other times he struggles to throw two strikes in a row, what can
cause of his control problems? There are 10 key elements of his delivery that should always be checked first. Those key elements
are outlined in this article.
Baseball Coaching Digest - What Baseball Coaches and Umpires Expect From Each Other [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Baseball coaches and umpires often
have a love/hate relationship. Coaches often make an umpire's job difficult. Umpires sometimes ruin a coach's day with a crucial
call. Coaches expect a high level of professionalism from the umpires in the crew working a game. Umpires expect a high level
of professionalism from the coaches of both teams. Here I outline 5 things coaches expect of umpires and 5 things umpires
expect of coaches.
Youth Baseball Digest - How to Calculate Your Batting Average [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Individual and team batting averages
are one of the best indicators of how effective your practice drills and game preparation is. Batting average is a simple
3 digit number that expresses how often a batter has gotten a hit for the total number of at-bats. There is a simple formula
used to determine your batting average. This articles clearly explains how your average is calculated.
Baseball Coaching Digest - Baseball Strategy - What is the 5 Infielder Defense? When is it Used? [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Utilizing a 5 infielder defense is
a rare strategic move used by coaches of the visiting team when the home team is in their last at-bat and the winning run
is on third. Though it is extremely rare to see this strategy employed, it is a defensive strategy that every baseball coach
should know about. What is the 5 Infielder Defense? When is it used. That is the focus of this article.
Baseball Coaching Digest - Home Batting Cages - Two Misbeliefs Concerning Baseball Batting Cage Use [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Two Batting Cage Myths that are simply
not true are (1) A Batting Cage must be long for it to be usable for all ages and (2) A batter must see 75 mph pitches to
receive maximum benefit from cage work. This article discusses how many batting cage buyers are mistaken or misled in buying
or building a new baseball batting cage.
Yankee Derek Jeter - All Baseball Players and Coaches Can Learn From His Mental Approach to the Game [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Derek Jeter's mental approach to
baseball is one that every player, coach and parent should take notice of. He is a true American Sports Hero yet he does not
consider himself bigger than the game itself. His words and quotes reflect his attitude, his commitment, and his love of the
game. What can all baseball coaches learn from Derek Jeter's mental approach to the game? He is one of the most "decorated"
Major League baseball players in the past decade. But, more impressive than his talent is his ability to keep the game in
proper perspective mentally. He is humble. He knows how important the game is to him. He appreciates the opportunity he has
to play the game and he considers it an honor to wear the pin stripes. In this article I present Derek Jeter quotes that I
feel reflect how every player should approach the mental part of the game.
Youth Baseball Digest - 7 Characteristics of Successful Little League Baseball Coaches [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] All successful Little League Baseball
Coaches have common characteristics that make them a "cut above" average youth baseball coaches. These character traits enable
the successful baseball coach to have top quality practices and to get great game performances from his team. Successful coaches
are able to compete season after season. They often coach their teams to championships. This article outlines what I consider
to be the 7 character traits of successful Little League Coaches.
Baseball Coaching Digest - 10 Recommended Safety Tips For Making Pitching Machine Use Safer [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] It is important that all coaches
and parents that use a pitching machine with players know the dangers involved. There are definite safety precautions that
should be observed to insure the safety of all players, coaches and parents during pitching machine use. This article outlines
10 safety tips that teams and families should remember to follow to insure that no injuries occur during the use of a pitching
Youth Baseball Digest - What is a Hitting Spray Chart? How is a Spray Chart Used? [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] A hitting spray chart is a scouting
chart showing where opposing hitters have hit the baseball in previous at-bats. The Spray chart is used to help a defensive
team determine how to pitch an opposing hitter and how to set the defense for that particular player. This article covers
the basics on how to make your own spray chart and how to use it to give your team an advantage.
Youth Baseball Digest - 4 Important Factors That Can Help New Little League Coaches Be Successful [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Coaching Little league is a great
way for baseball and softball players to give back to your community. Every baseball player remembers his first t-ball coach,
coach pitch coach, little league coach, and high school coach. Baseball coaches have a profound effect on the lives of the
players they coach.
Youth Baseball Digest - 5 Safety Rules That Must Be Followed by Every Little League Team [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Player and coach safety must be the
concern of every Little League Baseball Coach. All youth baseball coaches must establish certain team rules to insure the
safety of both the players and the coaches. There are 5 basic safety rules that help protect players are coaches. This article
outlines each of those 5 safety rules.
Youth Baseball Digest - What Constitutes a Productive At-Bat? What Makes an Out a Productive Out? [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Having players go to the plate and
have quality at-bats and productive outs are the keys to offensive success in baseball. We do not like wasted outs. In youth
baseball, you team is allowed only to get 18 or 21 depending on your leagues rules.
Baseball Coaching Digest - When Can a Pitcher Throw to an Unoccupied Base Without Balking? [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] The answer to this often debated
question is yes. The pitcher is allowed to throw to an unoccupied base if a runner is making an attempt to reach that base.
The pitcher does not have to step off or clear the runner to make this throw. Here I explain the situation and the rules that
Baseball Coaching Digest - The 4 Key Elements That Help a Batter Hit a Baseball With More Power [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Every baseball player loves to hit
the ball hard and far. The power required to hit the baseball deep comes from the generation of maximum bat speed. The generation
of bat speed is created by the correct use of the lower body, hips and hands. Four key elements are required to make the batting
swing more powerful. This article outlines and explains those key elements.
Baseball Coaching Digest - Batting Flaw - Young Batter Has Started Popping Up Every Time He Bats [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] It can be very frustrating to have
a talented young batter go into a mid season slump. This is going to happen to at least one or two players on every youth
baseball team in America this summer.
Baseball Coaching Digest - 3 Common Mistakes Made by Parents When Buying a New Baseball Bat [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] The 3 biggest mistakes parents make
when they buy a new baseball bat are: 1) Buying a Bat that is Not Appropriate, 2) Buying a Bat with the Wrong Intentions,
and 3) Buying a Bat That is Illegal. I will now explain each of these mistakes. I will now offer explanations of how these
mistakes are made. And I will tell how each of these mistakes can be prevented.
The Five Elements of the Major League Little League Baseball Swing [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] There is nothing more beautiful in
sports than when a "major league" swing whether it be at the tee ball, little league, high school, college or Major League
Baseball level of play. A "major league" swing is what I consider to be a perfectly executed swing.
3 Strength Building Drills to Make Your Baseball Bat the Most Powerful in Your Baseball League [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] These 3 batting drills should be
a part of every serious baseball players daily batting practice routine. These hitting drills are well known and recognized
for increasing bat speed and power. If you use these three strength building drills regularly, they to make your baseball
bat the most powerful in your baseball league. These drills should be done regularly during the off season.
Baseball Coaching Digest - 6 Basic Rules Tee Ball Players Should Learn to Insure Their Safety [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Tee Ball is the very first experience
that most baseball players have with the game of baseball. There are physical skills that must be learned. There are mental
aspects of the game that must be learned. But, there is no more important elements of the game that a player must learn than
the basic rules of the game that provide safety and protection for the players, coaches and umpires involved.
Baseball Coaching Digest - Baseball Rules - Understanding the "Infield Fly" Rule [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] The "In-field Fly" rule is one of
the most intimidating, confusing, and misunderstood rules in baseball. The rule is often a point of controversy among coaches,
players and spectators watching the game. Many ask, "Why do we have the 'In-field" fly rule? When does the "In-field Fly"
baseball rule apply? Here I outline the reason for this rule of baseball, the situations under which this baseball rule applies,
and other information to help you better have a better understanding of it.
Baseball Coaching Digest - Young Batter Hits Great in Practice But Struggles at the Plate in Games [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] One of the most frustrating and often
puzzling things to witness in youth baseball coaching is "game time" failure that was totally unexpected.. We have all seen
it happen at one time or another. You have a player that absolutely rips the ball in batting practice but looks horrible at
the plate whenever he bats. Before the games started the player was expected to be one of the best hitters on the team. But,
when season starts and the games begin he is absolutely terrible at the plate. I am assuming that the batter has a swing that
is mechanically sound.
Baseball Coaching Digest - The Swing Looks Perfect But the Batter Always Hits a Weak Ground Ball [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] We have all seen this scenario. The
batter has above average bat speed, above average hitting skill and is always extremely aggressive at the plate, but is simply
not getting on base. The swing looks great but weak or poor contact is made. The batter is in a serious hitting slump.
Baseball Coaching Digest - Survey Results - The Top 10 Worst Parent Excuses of All Time [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] The word "excuse" is a bad word to
most coaches. A parent excuse is a reason given by a parent to explain or justify their son's poor performance, tardiness,
or inappropriate behavior. Coaches really would prefer that someone simply say they were wrong or give a legitimate reason
rather than a ridiculous excuse. The Baseball 2Day Coaching Journal surveyed baseball coaches. One of the questions was "What
is the worst excuse you ever heard from a parents? Here are the top 10 worst parent excuses of all time.
Baseball Coaching Digest - Can You Name 20 Ways to Score From Third Base? [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] How many ways can you think of that
a runner can score from third base. I am a firm believer in the strategy of getting the runner to third with less than two
outs any way you can. Below, I have listed 23 ways of scoring a runner from third base that do not score the same runner from
second base.
Coaching Baseball - The Importance of Teaching Batters to Hit the Ball Where it is Pitched [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Great hitters at all levels share
one common skill. They know when and how to attack every pitch location. Great hitters read and react to every possible pitch
location. If you watched the 2008 Baseball College World Series, you quickly realized that great college hitters can catch
up to any fastball regardless of the velocity. You also saw college baseball batters that apply and execute one of the most
important and basic skills of hitting a baseball, the skill of "hitting the ball where it is pitched".
Coaching Youth Baseball - Things to Say During the Game to Build a Batters Confidence at the Plate [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] In coach pitch baseball and youth
baseball the batters are getting their first experience at hitting live pitching. Here are few things that youth baseball
coaches should say to youth baseball batters during an at-bat. These communications are most often conveyed to the better
by the 3rd base coach.
Baseball Coaching Digest - The Catcher, Your PR Player [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] This article explains one of the
most important roles that your catcher will play in every game. The role is that of being the team's public relations representative
with the umpire staff. The catcher's attitude and behavior can have a huge effect on an umpire's attitude.
Coaching Youth Baseball - 25 Common Baseball Terms and the Meaning of Each [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Coaching Little League or Youth Baseball
requires a good knowledge of the game. Many good youth baseball coaches have never played the game before. They make it their
mission to study and learn the game. This article presents a list of 25 common baseball coaching terms and gives the meaning
of each.
Baseball Coaching Digest - Base Running Basics [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] There are certain base running rules
that every base runner should learn. Here is each base and basic rules that players should know about each.
Youth Baseball Coaching - 8 Elements of a Super Baseball Swing [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] The perfect baseball swing is a thing
of beauty. There are few movements and actions in sports that are practice more often than the baseball swing. Players take
thousands and thousands of practice swing during a season. The key to game swing quality is practice swing quality. There
are certain basic rules that every batter should remember when taking a swing in practice and games.
3 Things Every Tee Ball Baseball Batter Must Be Taught When First Learning to Hit [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] It is important that very young baseball
players receive proper instruction in baseball hitting mechanics. Young baseball players benefit greatly from top quality
instruction and teaching that is easy to understand, simple to execute, and consistent from one lesson to another.
Baseball Coaching Digest - Trick Play Alert - Fake Time Call by the Batter [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Article discusses the Fake Time Call
trick play used by baseball teams to disrupt the motion and concentration of young baseball pitchers. Coaches should warn
their pitchers, particularly young pitchers, not to fall victim to this trick play and underhanded play used by some teams
to draw a balk.
Coaching Baseball - Four Valuable Coaching Tools That Every Baseball Coach Should Own [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] This article is about 4 relatively
inexpensive components that are valuable baseball coaching tools that are available in your favorite mass merchant store.
I feel that these components should be in the carry bag of every baseball coach at every level of play.
Baseball - First & Third Double Steal Defensive Strategy [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] The "First and Third Double Steal"
situation is when the batting team has a base runner at first base and a base runner at third base. Often times the offensive
teams will put on a base running play to attempt and confuse, fool, or trick the defensive team into making a mistake that
will cost them a run.
Coaching Baseball - Bunting - How to Execute the Sacrifice Bunt [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Bunting is a skill that must be learned
and practiced on a regular basis. It is often one of the most neglected aspects of a team's offensive strategy. There are
various techniques of bunting and each should be taught and practiced. This article discusses 10 coaching points of teaching
players how to execute a sacrifice bunt.
Baseball Coaching Digest - Deep Lead in the Outfield Base Running Play [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] This offensive play is called "Deep
Lead in Right Field". The play is run when a team has base runners at 1st base and 3rd base. The play is used to put pressure
on the defensive team in an attempt to force an error that will allow the runner at 3rd base to core.
Coaching Little League Baseball - Bad Habits Make For Bad Coaching [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Article discusses 10 bad habits of
bad Little League Coaches. These bad habits make it impossible for a coach to be an effective coach and role model.
Coaching Youth Baseball - Coaching Your First Baseman [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Here are important points and skills
that you must teach your First Baseman. Tips cover teaching the proper way to get to the bag, set up to receive the throw
and how to stretch.
Baseball Coaching Digest - Stop and See - 1st & 3rd Double Steal Base Running Play [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] This 1st and 3rd Double Steal Play
known as the Stop and See Steal. This play is used by offensive teams to score a runner from 3rd base by stopping the stealing
runner short of the bag and tag.
Baseball Coaching Digest - Fake 3rd Out Defensive Trick [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] The Fake 3rd Out is a trick play
ran by defensive teams to trick an unsuspecting base runner. If the base runner is not alert and aware, he may step off the
bag and give the defensive team a cheap out to end the inning. Coaches should make their players aware of sure plays and tactics
to prevent this trick from happening to their team.
Baseball Coaching Digest - Illegal Use of the Courtesy Runner Rule [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Baseball coaches must be alert for
one way that opposing offensive teams may illegally use the Courtesy Runner or Speed-Up rule. How does a team illegally use
a courtesy runner? Here is the procedure outlined:
Baseball Coaching and the Importance of Goals For Team and Player Motivation [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] There are very few volunteer jobs
more challenging, time-consuming or rewarding than being a coach in your local league. There are many four letter words used
by coaches that I can not use here. Here I want to discuss the 4 four-letter words that can and will determine the amount
of success a coach has during the coming season. The four words are Goal, Plan, Work and Time.
12 Baseball and Softball Batting Cage Buying Tips [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] There are some basic points that
you must know before buying a batting cage. When you buy a batting cage you are making an investment that should provide you
with years and years of top quality batting practice. Here I discuss what I believe are the 12 most important things to consider
when you purchase your home, team, school or backyard batting cage.
Defensive Drills For Coaching Youth Baseball Middle Infielders [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] The article outlines 4 Baseball Middle
Infielder Defensive drills for coaching youth baseball middle infielders. The drills are used to improve fielding skill, teach
ground ball fundamentals, build player confidence, and quicker hands.
Coaching Youth Baseball - The Basic Truths of Coaching That Every Coach Should Remember [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Great Coaches are great coaches for
a reason. They love the game. They love the kids. They love to instruct and teach. They love to mentor and minister to youngsters
hoping that something they do will help that kid become a better person.
Coaching Baseball - 20 Points For Coaching Baseball Catchers [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] There are many skills and much knowledge
that baseball catchers must have to be successful. A good baseball catcher is the foundation of a championship baseball team.
If you have a "solid" catcher that can field, throw and "talk" then you are well on your way to building a strong team. Here
are 20 coaching points we teach our catchers.
7 Keys to Building Good Work Habits in Young Baseball Players [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] This baseball coaching article discusses
the value of work and how to motivate players to work harder. Working and learning to work are one of the vital elements required
in the building of a successful baseball team and program. In baseball coaching work and baseball playing involves a lot of
A Dozen Things That I Feel Every Youth Baseball and Youth Softball Batter Should Remember [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] When the coach gives the runner or
runners a steal sign get deeper in the batter box. This extends distance for the pitch coming in and the throw by the catcher.
This slight movement may give the runner a little more time.
Baseball Hitting - The 3 Basic Elements of the Major League Baseball Swing [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] The "Major League" baseball swing
is a thing of beauty. If you watch it in slow motion, you will see that there are 3 common elements of the swing that that
most major league baseball players have in common. Baseball batting practice repetition makes the Major League Baseball Swing
consistent with the same 3 basic elements exhibited with every swing of the bat.
Baseball Pitching Know-How - The 30 Cardinal Sins of a Baseball Pitcher [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Every baseball team's fortune lies
in the hands or the "arm" of the pitcher on the mound. This can be said for pitching at every level from Little League Baseball
to High School Baseball to College Baseball and to Major League Baseball. As I was watching the College World Series on ESPN
last June, I noticed that every pitcher did the little things perfect. Every pitcher had basically the same approach to the
game. Every college baseball pitcher in Omaha tried to get ahead of the batters, pound the strike zone with good pitches,
and let their defense make plays behind them.
"Shove-Up Baseball" - A Great Baseball and Softball Practice Game [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Adding variety and preventing boredom
is an attribute of great coaching. Little league and youth baseball practice can be both fun and productive at the same time.
Great coaches know the importance of having a pure fun day every one and a while. The game "Shove-Up" is definitely not an
activity that you would use every day, but as a "change of pace" activity, it serves well to motivate kids and teach competitiveness.
How is "Shove-up" played?
Baseball Parent - Make Your Kid a Major League MVP [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] I know that the title got your attention.
Everyone knows and respects the Major League Baseball players like Derek Jeter, Albert Pujols, Alex Rodriguez and Manny Ramirez.
Many parents dream of having their little league player growing up to play college baseball player and Major League Allstar.
Do you know and realize how small the actual percentage is of little league baseball parents that ever see that dream come
true? Just helping your kid become a solid little league player that loves and enjoys the game of baseball should be the goal
of every baseball parent.
Coaching Baseball - Two True Base Running Blunders That Teach a Lesson [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] We all know the importance of good
base running. We know that "solid" base running scores runs and wins games. We also know that poor base running can easily
cause a team to lose a game. The following two stories are true stories of base running mistakes that cost the team a win.
All the team had to do to win was to have the base runner advance to the next bag. These two stories are great stories that
you can tell to your players to teach young players two important rules of base running.
Coaching Baseball - Strategies For Facing Overpowering Pitchers [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Every one of us has at one time or
another, either as a player or a coach, had to face what is considered the "unhittable" pitcher. You know what I mean, the
pitcher that is undefeated because he has an overpowering fastball, nasty curve ball, and a 3 pitch arsenal of potent pitches
that intimidates the average team while he is just warming up. Coach Dixon discusses is strategies that can used when your
team faces a dominating and overpowering pitcher. The main strategy in this situation is that you must have a "strategy" that
you and your kids believe will work. The trick is have several scenarios and plans that you will apply as the game progresses.
Youth Sports Coach - Watch What You Say [Recreation-and-Sports] Volunteering to coach youth sports can be
one of the most rewarding experiences in your life. It is a privilege to spend time teaching, coaching and mentoring youngsters
in one of the most critical stages of their mental and physical development. Many kids do not have positive role models in
their life. Many kids do not get the attention and the discipline that they need and desire. The main thing I want to discus
today is the importance of thinking before you speak and the fact that your words greatly affect the self esteem of your players.
Coaching Baseball Pitchers - Two Windup Variations Used to Disrupt a Batter's Concentration [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] There are two simple actions that
a pitcher can use to distract or disrupt a batters concentration. The two actions are the "double pump windup" and the "start
over" pitch deliveries that are done to change a pitchers regular windup. Both of these actions are used when there are no
base runners on base. They both serve as effective ways to disrupt the concentration of opposing batters.
Coaching Youth Baseball Pitchers - 4 Common Pitching Flaws That Should Be Corrected Immediately [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Young pitchers need frequent practice.
Daily practice allows players to improve daily and it also allows the coach to observe and see any bad habits or flaws that
a young pitcher may have "picked up". There are 4 Common Pitching Flaws of Young baseball Pitchers that a coach should identify
quickly and correct. Here is a brief description of each of these flaws and a coaching point related to each.
The 10 "Must Do's" of Coaching Baseball and Softball [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] I have compiled my list of the "MUST
DO'S", that I feel every coach must coach by! These reflect the duties and responsibilities accepted when one becomes a coach.
Here are my "MUST DO'S".
Baseball Practice Planning Tips and Sample Baseball Practice Schedule [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] There are many four letter words
that baseball coaches know, but few are as important as the word for today, PLAN. There are very few volunteer jobs more challenging,
time-consuming or rewarding than being a coach in your local league.
Coaching Baseball Pitchers - Multi-Purpose Baseball Pitching Drills to Improve Control [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Learning correct baseball pitching
mechanics are the first step in the making of a pitcher. Once proper mechanics are mastered these two drills can be used to
hone skill, increase concentration, build confidence, and improve control. Here are two drills that can bed used to help improve
a pitchers control. The two drills are "Pitch Tracking" and the "20 X 4" Pitching Drill.
Coaching Baseball Pitchers - Absolute Best Drill You Can Use to Improve Control and Build Confidence [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Learning correct mechanics are the
first step in the making of a pitcher. Once proper mechanics are mastered these two drills can be used to hone skill, increase
concentration, build confidence, and improve control. Here is a great drill that can be used to improve your pitchers' control...
Coaching Baseball Batters - 3 Common Baseball Swing Mistakes and Corrections [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Coaching youth and high school baseball
batters requires a watchful eye and close attention to detail. Baseball coaches must identify and correct any flaw in a batters
hitting mechanics. Players should not be allowed to practice their swing over and over without correcting their mistakes.
Good baseball coaches are always on the constant lookout for any bad habits that a young player may develop. Here I discuss
three of the most common hitting mechanical flaws and my approach to correcting each.
Baseball Coaching - 10 Tips For Improving the Quality of Your Baseball Practice Time [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Wasting time is something that baseball
coaches should avoid. There is nothing more precious to a player, to parents, or to assistant coaches than time. Time spent
at the baseball field must be considered valuable or constructive time. We are coaches because we love the game and we want
to help young players grow up to great adults.
Coaching Baseball Beginner Batters - The Batting Grip, the Bat Angle and Proper Hand Positioning [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Hitting a baseball is a skill that
can be learned and improved with proper coaching and instruction. It may be a difficult task, but with the correct fundamentals
and techniques hitting can be one of the most rewarding activities in all of sports. There is nothing that is more satisfying
and rewarding than hitting a line-drive in the left-center gap to help your team score the go-ahead run.
Teaching Young Batters to Use the No-Stride Technique For a Good Baseball Swing [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] If you watched the College World
Series on ESPN last June, I am sure that you saw, as I did, player after player, use the no-stride technique. The batter after
batter, came to the plate, at the College World Series in Omaha, and used the No-Stride Method of Hitting. Baseball coaches
at all levels of baseball, from little league to the pros, are teaching the "wider stance and no stride approach" to hitting.
Here I cover the basics of teaching and coaching the "No-Stride" hitting method.
Teaching Young Baseball Batters to Have Better Eye Focus and Visual Concentration [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] The eyes are the hitter's brain when
it comes to hitting. A batter can know the count, know the situation, know the pitcher, and know how to swing, but if the
eyes are weak or fail, then they will likely suffer defeat at the plate. How many times have we heard a successful batter
say that "I am really seeing the ball right now"? Batters that are "hot" at the plate always say that they are really seeing
the ball well.
Teaching Baseball Batters to Use Hip Movement and Leg Leverage to Generate Power [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] When you watch several elite baseball
batters hit the ball, you quickly see some common traits. The great high school, college, and pro baseball players all generate
incredible power with the lower body, legs, and hips. A good baseball swing incorporates the hips and lower body into the
swing. Most of the batter's power is generated by the hips and the leverage created by the front leg. How many times have
you heard the following "That batter swings with all arms, and has no power"?
Coaching Baseball - 4 Things the On-Deck Batter Should Always Do and 4 Things He Should Never Do [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Baseball coaching is teaching the
big and little details of the game. Every position or location on the field requires a player to observe and to be aware of
what is happening. Many young batters on deck often do no pay attention to what is happening. They are often guilty of looking
into the crowd or even talking to someone through the fence. On-deck batters that do not closely observe the pitcher and the
catcher are missing a greatly opportunity to "scout" the opponent.
Coaching Baseball - 12 Things That 3rd Base Coaches Should Say to Baserunners [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Fewer things in baseball are more
embarrassing for a young baseball player than to make a base running mistake that cost his team a run. Some of the most devastating
and demoralizing mistakes in baseball are made by baserunners at 3rd base. When a runner gets to third, the team momentum
and confidence is increased. The team and the player, and the fans feel like they are going to soon score a run. But, to have
that chance of scoring removed by a blunder by the runner or coach can take the momentum completely away from the team.
Baseball Pitching - Coaching Pitchers to Succeed by Starting With the Basics [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] The coaching of baseball pitchers
does not require a degree in "pitchingtology". There is no such degree to my knowledge. I just made that up. My point here
is that coaching baseball pitching is not rocket science. However, having a basic knowledge of the terms and mechanics is
a must.
Coaching Baseball Pitchers - The Use of Visual Anchor Points For Curve-Ball Accuracy [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] The skill of throwing a good curve
ball accurately is a skill that must be taught and coached. Teaching curve ball control and accuracy is vital to a pitcher's
success at any level. Here I discuss the method I use to teach and coach our high school pitchers to vary their curve ball
location and to accurately control the spot to which the ball will break.
4 Baseball Pitching Drills For Little League Players [Recreation-and-Sports:Baseball] Teaching, training and developing
young baseball pitchers takes a lot of time, patience, and practice repetition. Many young pitchers need to practice pitching
skills daily. To keep the interest level high, it is best to use a variety of drills on alternate days to prevent boredom.
Here are 4 baseball pitching drills that can be used to train youth and beginner pitchers.