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Today's feature article:
 Softball Drills That Will Work For All Types of Players and Coaches By Marc Dagenais In a world wherein sport is the ultimate way to lead the crowd, softball speaks for itself. Softball is a sport that
is enjoyed and supported by a lot of individuals all over the world. It has created a lot of recognition in every career endeavor.
Most of the time, people save their time, money and effort just to get to this very exciting world of softball. But
softball is not just about hitting and pitching. It is not just about the cheers from the crowd. It is not just about the
different players and their celebrity image while they are playing inside the softball field. Softball is more on what is
happening before the actual game. How do the players deal with each other before any game? How does a coach handle every team
member prior the game? How does everyone cooperate in the softball drills? How do they incorporate different softball drills
in their line of work? Softball drills must be something that will invigorate the energy that is kept inside the hearts
of every player. As a coach, it is important that you have to have a lot of players that have deep understanding of the different
skills that you will have to train them. It is important that as a player, you also have to become a skilled observer of the
different skills that are being taught to you by the team coach. If both of you have a working relationship, you will then
have a great chance of having a perfect kind of relationship. It is also a must that every player must always observe
a proper decorum every time you have to go and move for a better playing stunt. In this way, every time the softball drill
is being delivered, all of the players will have their way of obtaining a long list other softball drills and methods. It
is also a must that a player and the coach must have to coordinate with each other so that there will be a harmonious relationship
while playing each of the softball drills that you both have to undertake. There is also a need for the softball coaches
to incorporate team building strategies in every softball drill so that there will be an achievement for the so-called team work. It is a must that every coach must set up a new and varied
ways of making their softball technique drills. In this way, you will prevent your players from becoming bored and tired.
If you have newer and better ideas, there is a much possibility that the players will be motivated more and will attain more.
There shall be no time for dull and tiring moments with both the members of the team and the coach as well. It is therefore
needed that both of the participating members of the team shall embody the sense of cooperation in order to achieve a greater
feeling of contentment the moment your team has been called a winner. Marc Dagenais is a softball peak performance
coach that helps softball players and coaches improves their game by sharing with them the tips and strategies used by the
world's best softball players and coaches to achieve extraordinary performances. Visit his site and sign-up to get his FREE softball hitting tips! Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marc_Dagenais SoftballrUs.com/ FastpitchSoftballSupply.com is the ultimate online fastpitch softball online store. SoftballrUs.com has Batting Trainers, Pitching Training, Training Bats, Defensive Training Equipment, Coaching DVDs & Books, Softball Pitching Machines, Softball Complete Net & Frame Batting Cage Packages, Batting Cage Nets, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, and BatAction Hitting Machines, and much, much more. Visit Softballrus.com now!
Four Recommended Softball Articles for Girls Fastpitch Softball Coaches: SoftballrUs.com - FastpitchSoftballSupply.com4 Softball Coaching Tips You Should Know If You're a Beginner A lot of people hate learning new things. But if you're like me, I take new beginnings as a challenge, and I love
learning, so it's not an issue for me. As a new coach, you're faced with a new beginning. You'll fumble around for the first
few months, but don't worry, you'll get the hang of it soon enough. Softball Tips - Staying Competitive Through Proper Nutrition Softball players must know the importance of proper nutrition if they want to be at the top of their game but sadly,
there are some players out there who consume calories that are lower than what their body needs. So, what happens is that
they become sluggish in the middle of the game and, hence, they find it hard to stay competitive throughout the whole seven
innings of the game. Softball Tips - Stop Playing Softball Now Telling you to stop playing softball is probably like telling the sun to stop from shining for at least a
day. In other words, it's impossible. But we have to admit that there will be times when there's no other option than to completely
stop playing the game we love very much, well, at least for a certain time period. Be the Best Player - Softball Hitting Techniques In a softball game, softball hitting is the main key of every team in order to achieve the goal of becoming
a winner. Every player is certainly having an extreme training for them to turn into a hitting expert. Hitting is not merely
striking the ball, but having a complete set of strategy to make an amazing shot and get on base and make a score.
Softball Hitting Tips - Is a Good Swing Good Enough? By Marc Dagenais A lot
of softball players place a premium on good swinging that they start to think that it's the only aspect of hitting they need
to do in order to become good hitters. However, nothing can be further from the truth than this. The truth is that,
good swinging mechanics is just a part of the entire equation. There are other things that you need to consider if you want
to be a good hitter. And that's what we're going to discuss here in this article. Tracking the Ball First of
all, you need to able to see where the ball is going. This ability is commonly referred to as tracking. To track the ball
well means you should be able to see the ball's direction from the time it leaves the pitcher's hand to the time it reaches
within your swinging reach. Just like all skills, tracking is a skill that takes time to develop. At 70mph, the ball
is quick enough that it leaves you just little time to react and trace its direction. That is why it's important that coaches
should teach their players this skill through various drills. One of the most common drills to develop tracking is
called the Finger Flash. The good thing with this drill is that it doesn't need any equipment for players to perform. All
they need to do is have a 'pitcher' who will quickly flash 1, 2, or 3 fingers from a distance, and the 'batter' would then
call out the number of fingers that the pitcher flashed. Making Split-Second Decisions at Bat Another skill
that a good hitter should have is knowing when NOT to hit the ball. There are times when hitting the ball would be too impossible
that doing so would cause a strike while during other times, swinging the bat would constitute a ball, to name a few situations. Pitchers
will have a variety of pitches to throw at batters. The key here is for the batter to know whether to swing the bat or not.
It may sound easy, but again, with fast balls, it would be pretty difficult to make split-second decisions. It's therefore
important for hitters to be able to approximate whether the ball is in or out of the strike zone. This skill could be developed
through a number of drills that simulate pitches to particular zones. And, then, there's experience. As you go on playing
the game, it will become much easier to make these decisions for yourself. Of course, there's nothing that consistent
practice can't remedy. As I said earlier, these skills take time to master. It may be a little more difficult to do these
things now, but try to remember the time when you were just trying to learn the mechanics of hitting. It was difficult at
first, but eventually you developed it into the good swing you have today. Take the learning of new skills as a challenge. If you're out to compete with the best of the best, you should keep on developing your skills. And in this
case, having a good swing is never enough. You should also train yourself to track the ball and make split-second decisions
on whether to hit it or not. I hope you find these softball tips helpful and make them part of your regular training routine. Marc
Dagenais is a Softball Peak Performance Coach that helps softball players turn their athletic talent into extraordinary performances
and help coaches get more out of their players, turn their struggling team around or get an edge over their opponents. Visit
us to sign-up to get our FREE softball pitching tips! Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marc_Dagenais sponsor liks ------------ SoftballrUs.com/ FastpitchSoftballSupply.com is the ultimate online fastpitch softball online store. SoftballrUs.com has Batting Trainers, Pitching Training, Training Bats, Defensive Training Equipment, Coaching DVDs & Books, Softball Pitching Machines, Softball Complete Net & Frame Batting Cage Packages, Batting Cage Nets, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, and BatAction Hitting Machines, and much, much more. Visit Softballrus.com now!
By Todd ThomasIn hitting there are 5 core principles that as a hitter you hope to execute on every swing. No thanks to pitchers
constantly attempting to mess up a hitter's timing and balance, these core movements aren't always present in every swing.
These core mechanics are dependent upon each other for a player to really execute their best swing. In order to successfully
execute one's best swing, these "parts" need to work together to maximize the hitting process. These five core principles
are the "blueprint" of a hitters basic mechanics. They are: 1. Weight Transfer 2. Hips lead the hands 3. Matching
the swing plane to the pitch plane or "leveling"* *(this involves the shoulder dip, tilting, & getting the bat level
to the ball) 4. Ideal contact 5. Staying inside the ball These principles of hitting are the foundation and
are present in every good swing but they are not all always present in EVERY swing from the same player. A player cannot,
and will not, be consistently successful if they are regularly lacking in any one of these areas in the hitting process. This
is why Ted William's said that hitting a baseball is the single most difficult thing to do in any sport. Although, I tend
to disagree with Ted on this thought. Hitting a baseball(or softball) may be the second most difficult thing. I believe TEACHING
someone to hit a baseball/softball may be the most difficult thing to do in sports! Do great hitters always look great
or even good at the plate? The simple obvious answer is NO. If the pitcher is successful as they often are, their pitch will
take one of the core elements away from the hitter. When this happens take a look at what happens to their swing. The result
are often less than favorable in these cases. Oftentimes, a player who has excellent core hitting mechanics can be
struggling at the plate and even look awkward. If you regularly watch a lot of games and hitters as I do, you will clearly
recognize when a hitter gets into advantageous hitting positions and when they obviously did not. In the situations when their
swing looked "bad", that doesn't mean that the hitter has poor hitting mechanics. Rather, something in the process was slightly
off. One(or more) of the core mechanics was out of whack for whatever reason. A lot of times it's a hitter's rhythm, timing
and tempo that are off and they are "chasing" a pitch the pitcher fooled them with. Whatever the pitcher has done, it has
worked in that the hitters core mechanics are thrown off. As well all know, this doesn't always mean the hitter doesn't get
a hit. We've all seen the crazy off-balance swing where the hitter drops one in for a base hit. As well as, we have all seen
the "perfect" swing where the hitter smokes the ball only to have it fielded for an out by the defense. One thing to
add here is two-strike situation. A hitter should be less concerned with staying perfect with their mechanics and should be
simply focusing on doing whatever it takes to make contact and put the ball in play. There is typically not much a hitter
can do when they have two strikes on them except let the ball travel as deep as possible and simply put the bat in the path
of the ball. Any thoughts of putting the perfect swing on a pitch when a hitter has two strikes must be out the window and
he/she should focus on making the adjustments necessary to put the ball in play. What is the perfect swing anyway?
It's the adjustments a hitter makes appropriate to the pitch they get. This is the reason why a lot of times no two swings
look very similar. It all starts with the core mechanics and then expands from there. Every element is necessary to maximize
the swing process to a consistently high level. When a player is taught improper core mechanics or if core mechanics are not
firmly established, hitting problems are exacerbated greatly and hitting frustration is escalated. Learning the core mechanics
and learning them correctly while continually working on them is crucial to all hitters. Todd Thomas is a Baseball
Coach and Professional Hitting Instructor for Mike Epstein Hitting. Coach Todd's personal hitting website is http://www.HitItHere.net. Coach Todd also enthusiastically endorses http://PlayMyBestBaseball.com as a place where baseball and softball hitters can master the Confidence, Composure, Focus and Consistency of their game
so they can reach their full potential. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Todd_Thomas Shop CoachesBest.com for your baseball coaching needs including baseball training aids, training videos, and other coaching supplies. Check out
the Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting machine by SKLZ at HurricaneTrainer.com. See the “Original” Rotational Hitting Machine at BatAction.com. Are you looking for the perfect trainer to teach proper timing and swing mechanics? You can stop looking and go to HandsBackHitter.com. Players develop incredible bat speed and confidence when they regularly use the Quick Swing Trainer. See it at QuickSwingTrainer.com. See the world’s most advanced batting tee at AdvancedSkillsTee.com. Are you looking for a great batting cage at discount prices? Are you considering building your own backyard batting
cage and training center? If so, you should visit BattingCagesDirect.com now! Blogs for Baseball Coaches Links: BLogs4Coaches Twitter Blogs4Coaches.com
By Marc DagenaisHaving trouble hitting the ball with striking result? Have you been practicing for it for several weeks, yet you always
failed to deliver a satisfying performance? Are you now in great desperation to learn the technique of softball hitting? If
so, then you may find the following step-by-step procedure very useful. This actually helps me a lot, too. · Begin
with a good standing posture. This is essential in softball hitting. This means that you have to maintain a comfortable stance.
Your weight should be balanced on the balls of your feet. Keep your knees a little flexed, with a slight curve at the waist. ·
Have a grip on the bat with your front elbow down and relaxed. Your grip must not too loose or too tight, but hold the bat
just right. Make sure that your back elbow is at a 45-degree angle, pointed towards the ground. · Then with your middle
knuckles of one hand aligned with your middle knuckles of the other hand, take hold of the bat at a 45- to 90-degree angle. ·
Always let your hands at the top of the strike zone, and close to your back armpit. Also remember that the bat should be between
the catcher and your back shoulder. · Also important to keep your head straight, then cast your full attention to the
pitcher in anticipation for the ball to be released. You may want to focus your eyes on the side of the pitcher's leg. This
will help you maintain a good concentration. · When the pitcher goes into the windup, immediately shift the weight
onto your back. · Then with your front foot, take a stride forward on the release of the pitch, making sure not to
bring any weight forward on the stride. This is what we call a soft step. · Immediately after, begin turning around
your back foot so that your back heel is facing the catcher, and move your weight forward to the middle of your body. ·
Then lastly commence your hand, with the knob of the bat going in the direction of the pitcher's feet. · You should
be careful not to drop the barrel of the bat underneath your hands at the launch of the swing. · Strike the ball and
drive it. This should follow through by way of your hands swinging to your opposite shoulder. Alright, there you have
it. All you have to do is be familiarized with every step provided. At the same time, help yourself with perseverance and
determination. Actually, there is actually no undisclosed topics you need to know when it comes to softball hitting. For
you become a good softball player you dreamt of, all you need to do is carry out, practice, and practice. Yes, keep on practicing
and improving your skills. As a well-worn adage goes, "Practice makes perfect." Take that as your softball hitting key to
success. Reading magazines or articles regarding the proper technique of softball hitting can also help. Also try to
solicit some advices from people who have enough knowledge and experience about softball hitting. Their true to life experience
is worth knowing. Marc Dagenais is a Softball Peak Performance Coach that helps softball players turn their athletic talent into extraordinary performances and help coaches get more out
of their players, turn their struggling team around or get an edge over their opponents. Visit us to sign-up to get our FREE softball pitching tips! Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marc_Dagenais
By J. CoxAn Important Pitching Drill: One Knee Pitching The pitcher on the softball field is the most important player.
No other player has the power to influence the game the way the pitcher does. In order for the pitcher to be effective, there
are many little things she must do well. To help her perfect all these little things, there are many different pitching drills
she should perform regularly. One of the most important pitching drills is the "One Knee Pitching" drill. One knee
pitching is performed exactly how you would think it would be done, with the pitcher on one knee. The pitcher will actually
kneel on the knee that is on the same side as her pitching arm. She will be about 15 to 20 feet away from the catcher. There
should be a line on the ground that extends from the pitcher toward the catcher. The pitchers other foot (on the glove side)
should be placed on that line. That leg should be slightly bent. By being on one knee the pitcher will have a steady lower
part of the body and will be able to focus on her upper body and the mechanics for pitching. To begin the softball
pitching drill, the pitcher should have her glove and pitching hand (holding the ball) down beside the leg she is kneeling
on (her pitching leg). Both of the pitchers hands should stay together as she completes the first quarter of her arm circle.
Then she should continue with her motion making sure to come through and stay with the straight line. That's the point of
the drill; staying within the line. Throwing balls and strikes isn't important. During this pitching drill the pitcher
must be sure to keep her balance at all times. She can't allow her back to arch backward or her shoulders to fall forward.
Also, she can't let her arm go behind her head as she is pitching. Finally, she has to make sure her arm finishes in line
with the line that's extending toward the catcher. This point can't be stressed enough. There are many great pitching
drills that softball pitchers should do on a regular basis. One of the most important drills is "One Knee Pitching". This
drill should be performed regularly in order to help the pitchers balance and to allow her to focus on her upper body. To
be more specific, this pitching drill will help the pitcher with her arm circle, spacing, sequencing, release posture, and
the follow through. J Cox runs http://www.fastpitchsoftballbat.net The site tries to find bargains for the fastpitch fan. The site also has several other Fastpitch Softball Articles, an example
is located at http://www.fastpitchsoftballbat.net/fastpitchbaserunningArticle Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=J_Cox
It's baseball season, and you are ready for it. You bought a new bat, dusted
off the cleats, and oiled the glove. You drilled, grounder after grounder, only to follow it by fly ball, after fly ball.
When the fielding drills were over, you moved on to the batting cages. You have hit so many balls that you could probably
tag a slider in your sleep. So, what's next but to hit the field, right? Wrong!
What about your weight training? Yes
that's right, lifting weights. Almost all baseball clubs, from high school to the majors, use weight training for injury prevention,
rehabilitation of injuries and for strengthening individual weaknesses. One of the most important things a weight training
program needs to do is to isolate certain muscles specific to the throwing motion and strengthen them to prevent arm injuries.
combination of various forms of exercises tends to work best: isometrics, isotonic and is kinetic, plyometrics, (not just
for tennis anymore), active resistive and especially flexibility/stretching exercises are all important in developing a well-balance
program. Players at different positions need to emphasize different elements of the program, and different body parts.
pitchers, you need to build cardiovascular endurance, and lower body strength and endurance. You also need to build general
flexibility, and strengthen the shoulders and the elbows. For catchers, you need to emphasize leg strength, flexibility and
agility. Building hand a wrist strength is also important along with building abdominal strength. For Infielders and outfielders,
a combination of building leg flexibility, hand and wrist strength, upper body strength and endurance is very important.
all positions its important to add exercises that emphasize the rotator cuff complex, consisting of internal and external
shoulder rotation, and front, rear and side elevation isolating the supraspinatus. Especially effective are lightweight shoulder
excursuses stimulating the small muscles (rotator cuff) essential to the throwing motion.
When putting together a workout
program for baseball, it is most effective if three programs are built. The first program should be the off-season program.
The program should be designed to strengthen and balance all major muscle groups of the body. You should consult your coach
or trainer about varying the exercises in the program to strengthen your particular weakness and/or correct muscle imbalance.
second program should be the pre-season program. This program should be designed to build more strength. This program should
be started 4-6 weeks before the season, this is also the time to start incorporating baseball-specific exercises in the gym
or out on the field. This helps get your body ready to perform baseball skills again.
The third program should be the
in-season program. This program should be designed to maintain strength levels acquired during the off and pre season programs.
Abdominal, rotational and light weight work are essential parts of any in-season program. Pitchers should concentrate on light
weight shoulder work such as deltoid raises. As you can see, as much as we want to hit that chalk lined field, it's just
as important to incorporate a weight training program, to insure a fun filled, and injury free season.
SoftballrUs.com/FastpitchSoftballSupply.com is the ultimate online fastpitch softball online store. SoftballrUs.com has Batting Trainers,Pitching Training, Training Bats,Defensive Training Equipment,Coaching DVDs & Books, Softball Pitching Machines, Softball Complete Net & Frame Batting Cage Packages, Batting Cage Nets, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, and BatAction Hitting Machines, and much, much more. Visit Softballrus.com now!
All games require energy, concentration, alertness and staying power in order to achieve one goal - to win! In softball
game, these behaviors must be in attendance to every player of a team. When you engage into this game or kind of sport, there
are certain things that you need to take serious of and to consider. And, softball hitting is one of those many things which
you are required to make focus on because hitting is the best way in order to win in the game.
Here are some strategies for you to be able to deal with softball hitting: · The first important thing in hitting
is the weapon that you are using in striking or hitting a softball - the bat! It is very essential for a player to have a
good bat and when we say well, it involves the features of it, for instance the size. You should consider the size of the
bat when buying one. And, you should be able to get used to it or go well with your bat; it is like you have the connection
from both of you. Size is important in terms of your speed, for some players want a big bat that can somehow help them to
strike, however having a weighty one is not suggested by experts, and it really should be of a good size to help you out in
when you swing it with no difficulty and within your control. The best part is to use the bat to strike the bottom part of
the softball.
· Focused - mind is needed in softball hitting. It is pretty important when striking because your attentiveness on
the softball tells and describes how good and brawny you are in the game. You should be able to keep your head in one place
and in one course, for this will help you out to put your 100% focus and awareness to the softball and in order to make a
nice strike. Keeping your focus steady and secure towards the ball, will provide you time to guess your accurate timing in
hitting the softball.
· Hands are also playing as one of the most important parts in softball hitting. They are the ones who make hold
of the bat and striking the ball in a very nice manner depends on how will you hold your weapon. You should not grip the bat
too tight or too loose, just handle it in a relaxed way and be certain that your fingers are in a proper position when you
are holding the bat to give you comfort. This will certainly give you a good speed when you strike the softball and give you
much awareness to hit than how will your hands move when you make a strike.
· Your stance must be at a good place. You should make your knees bend and allow your feet to carry out your body's
weight and have a distance between your feet, enough to make you at ease with your stance. You should give enough time
and effort when practicing these softball hitting strategies for you to achieve your goal - to be triumphant!
Marc Dagenais is a Softball Peak Performance Coach that helps softball players turn their athletic talent into extraordinary
performances and help coaches get more out of their players, turn their struggling team around or get an edge over their opponents.
Visit us to sign-up to get our FREE softball pitching tips!
Sponsor Links:
SoftballrUs.com/ FastpitchSoftballSupply.com is the ultimate online fastpitch softball online store. SoftballrUs.com has Batting Trainers, Pitching Training, Training Bats, Defensive Training Equipment, Coaching DVDs & Books, Softball Pitching Machines, Softball Complete Net & Frame Batting Cage Packages, Batting Cage Nets, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, and BatAction Hitting Machines, and much, much more. Visit Softballrus.com now!
By Gary V Hawkins For student athletes trying to make it to the collegiate softball level, softball recruiting videos play an important
role. Coaches want to see video to make a determination on whether or not a player has the talent and skills to play at his
or her level of college competition. Softball recruiting videos can take the form of DVD's or online footage loaded
on a website. No matter what format you use, the important thing is to use your footage to help sell your talent and skills
to the coach. A good video will: 1- Demonstrate your skills 2- Show some of your best highlights 3- Have complete
game footage Coaches don't want to see softball recruiting videos that simply show a string of highlights. Any player
can string together enough highlights to make themselves look like a great prospect. Good video footage also shows you demonstrating
the skills of the game and how you perform in game conditions. Getting good footage can come from several different
sources. You can ask your coach about footage. You an ask your parent(s) to create some footage of you in action. Or, you
can spend some money and hire a professional. Obviously, if you have the money to spend, hiring a professional is the way
to go. If you don't have the money to spend, doing it yourself or getting footage from the coach works just fine. Along
with the softball recruiting videos you send out to coaches, you'll want to also send out letters and athletic resumes. Making
direct contact with coaches is the best way to get recognition and to get coaches interested in signing you. In fact, you
may want to send the letter and resume first, and let the coach know video footage is available if he or she wants to review
it. Gary Hawkins is a well known recruiting and athletic scholarship expert and the author of a popular 17-page free
report titled: "Five Secrets You Must Know To Get Recruited For Athletic Scholarships" Head over to http://www.recruitedforscholarships.com/freereport.html to get your FREE copy now! Gary Hawkins is passionate about helping high school athletes reach their dream of playing
at the college level. In his Athletic Recruiting & Scholarship System, Gary teaches anyone how they can finally get the
attention of college coaches and start being recruited for athletic scholarships. Just visit http://www.recruitedforscholarships.com/ and pick up your copy today! Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gary_V_Hawkins ============= SoftballrUs.com/ FastpitchSoftballSupply.com is the ultimate online fastpitch softball online store. SoftballrUs.com has Batting Trainers, Pitching Training, Training Bats, Defensive Training Equipment, Coaching DVDs & Books, Softball Pitching Machines, Softball Complete Net & Frame Batting Cage Packages, Batting Cage Nets, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, and BatAction Hitting Machines, and much, much more. Visit Softballrus.com now!
Coachesbest.com - Over 1400 products and growing!
By Marc DagenaisSoftball pitching is one of the offensive armaments in the softball. Most coaches and trainers pay much
concentration in the pitching capability of the players because they believe that this added an artillery and fire power to
the game. Poor pitching techniques oftentimes results to a bad performance of the team. Worse, it might lead to losing the
game. That is why there is a more complexity in the field of softball pitching drills and activities. Softball players should
be equipped with the dos and don'ts of the softball pitching process.
Read on and perfect these valuable drills and
activities which will help you get an edge over hitter and batting lineup you face:
The pitching all happens with the
release. When this is happening just: · Stay Tall · Pull your shoulders back · Have a firm front side · No bending at the
For lower body pitching mechanics: · Make a powerful push from the pitching rubber · Build up a strong, fast
and long stride · Make a push-back against the stride leg as the pitching arm comes down through the release point
maximize your pitching speed, you must: · Make sure that your upper body is upright when at the release · You push back against
your stride leg · Your shoulders should most of the time way closed · Your hips should be halfway or less closed at the release
power, the speed and the landing of the stride determines how effectively the pitcher can push back against the stride in
order to throw the ball with a maximum speed.
The fastest pitch depends on the lower portion of a pitcher's body. Remember
to always improve the speed and control of the leaping styles. The leaping style must have a fast and strong push-off from
the pitching rubber in order to drive the stride leg out fast and far.
Always look at the power and the quickness of
the stride to allow for a blocking or a hard push against the stride leg at the end of the pitch sequence. Ideally, your pitching
strides must be precise and sure so that a powerful pitching technique will be achieved.
Softball pitching requires technique, speed and proper pitching location. The edge to softball pitching lies upon the perfection
of the most comfortable techniques you already have or at least bend your softball life on learning more of the existing pitching techniques.
Marc Dagenais, MHK, CSCS, is a softball peak performance
coach that helps players and teams hit with more power, run faster, throw harder, become mentally tougher, and be more dominant
on the softball field. Visit us and sign-up to get tons of great FREE Softball Pitching tips to boost your game!
Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marc_Dagenais
SoftballrUs.com/FastpitchSoftballSupply.com is the ultimate online fastpitch softball online store. SoftballrUs.com has Batting Trainers,Pitching Training, Training Bats,Defensive Training Equipment,Coaching DVDs & Books, Softball Pitching Machines, Softball Complete Net & Frame Batting Cage Packages, Batting Cage Nets, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, and BatAction Hitting Machines, and much, much more. Visit Softballrus.com now!
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The Categories they have are: Baseball Training Equipment, Youth Baseball Training Equipment, Training Bats, Pitching & Throwing Trainers, Defensive Trainers, Batting Cages, Pitching Machines, Jugs Equipment, Game and Practice Baseballs, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, Portable Pitching Mounds, Baseball DVDs & Books, Clearance Items on Sales, BatAction Hitting Machines, Hurricane Hitting Machines, NEDCO Bataction Replacement Parts, SKLZ Hurricane Replacement Parts and Much Much More! Visit Baseball2U.com today!
Softball drills are very important if you really want to be skillful in the whole game of softball. There are
a lot of benefits that one can get if he is practicing the different softball drills. With these drills, you are able to practice
different moves in softball, not just one, but all moves in softball.
By practicing this sequence of actions regularly with your teammates, you are not only able to enhance the one that
you are strong with. You also have the opportunity to get to know the other drills in softball and in addition, you are given
ways to improve them as well if you are not that much good at them. And because of the fact that you are practicing with your
teammates, it is not only you who is actually learning. Even your co-players also do have chances to learn about the different
skills in softball aside from the one that they are good at - the one that they have been plying for a long time in the real
softball battlefield.
Another benefit that you can actually get when you and your team are practicing these drills aside from the one mentioned
above is, you have more chances to be closer with your co-players (well that is if you are somewhat sentimental). As you are
constantly practicing with your teammates, you have more time to be with one another and that will make you closer making
you build a more solid team.
Another benefit that is somewhat related to the latterly mentioned is, as you are now closer to your teammates, you
also have better chances of understanding each other more. You can simply know what is on the mind of the other therefore
making you understand their strategy and in the end, making you to work as one. This is very important in a team so because
if you can fully understand what the other co-players are thinking, it will be easier for you to work spontaneously as a team.
There will be no blaming of certain this and that because you are working as a team.
There are truly a lot of benefits when you are practicing these softball drills with your teammates, and not to forget your coach as well. It does not only give you a chance to be apt in all the different
drills in softball. It also gives you chances to meet get to know more of your teammates, and once you are already familiar
with them; it will be easier for you to work as one. It will be easier for you to work as a team. As you have more time of
getting to know one another and practicing and playing with one another, you will have better chances to fulfill the mission
of every playing team. And that is to make their every game worthwhile - to make every game, a game of their life.
Marc Dagenais is a Softball Peak Performance Coach that helps softball players turn their athletic talent into extraordinary
performances and help coaches get more out of their players, turn their struggling team around or get an edge over their opponents.
Visit us to sign-up to get our FREE softball pitching tips! Article Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Marc_Dagenais
Sponsor Links:
SoftballrUs.com/ FastpitchSoftballSupply.com is the ultimate online fastpitch softball online store. SoftballrUs.com has Batting Trainers, Pitching Training, Training Bats, Defensive Training Equipment, Coaching DVDs & Books, Softball Pitching Machines, Softball Complete Net & Frame Batting Cage Packages, Batting Cage Nets, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, and BatAction Hitting Machines, and much, much more. Visit Softballrus.com now!
How Do You Handle Softball Hitting?
Softball is a game of life for some. It is what keeps others fueled up. It is a game wherein everybody is making their
way to reach the top. It is really a great achievement if you put yourself into the limelight of the softball world.
Since softball is a wonderful diversion of life, it is very much important that you take time informing yourself about
the latest and the newest learnings that you could use to survive the crucial sport event. There are a lot of ways now on
how you could possibly get hold of the best softball hitting activities and drills. You just have to keep your mind's eye
open for the possibilities that you could gain in your every search.
First you have your softball coach to train you. Aside from it is his major responsibility to help you in your training,
it is still a must to consult him from time to time on what you should do to better your performance in softball hitting.
You could approach him and ask some questions on the proper gripping of the softball bat, proper stance, stride and so on.
These important skills should be known by you so that you will have that dream success in your every game performance.
Next, after the strenuous trainings that you and your coach have done and performed, you can still maximize your softball
hitting training by researching more softball hitting techniques from the internet. For sure, there are several softball sites
that are especially designed for softball players who want to learn more about their desired softball skill. Since you are
a softball hitter, then you are most probably to be searching about the latest techniques about softball hitting. There are
various coaches, as well as professional softball players who have already shared their ideas and experiences to the different
sites in the internet so it pays a lot if you keep your patience on searching for them.
Afterwards, you have to put to heart to everything that you have known and learned. By keeping soulfully whatever skill
that you have caught from different people and from various sources, you can definitely move on to the self-training. Yes,
you also have to have your own softball hitting training. You don't just have to wait for the training that is called for
by your coach. You have to take the initiative to train yourself by using all of the training techniques that you have learned.
It is when you start having initiative that you can make the big difference.
Softball players really have a big responsibility. They have to keep themselves fit and vigorous at all times. Discipline is another
factor when it comes to learning the different information about softball. If you want to learn, you should listen. Do not
act as if you know everything. Remember, there are a lot of losers in this world because they don't know how to listen. Discipline
and listening are interrelated. You have to bear in your mind and heart these two virtues because they will serve as your
secret weapons to battle every challenge that will cross your softball hitting performance.
Marc Dagenais is a Softball Peak Performance Coach that helps softball players turn their athletic
talent into extraordinary performances and help coaches get more out of their players, turn their struggling team around or
get an edge over their opponents. Visit us to sign-up to get our FREE softball pitching tips!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marc_Dagenais |
By Marc DagenaisCoaching a softball team, whether women's softball team or youth softball team even, can be pretty overwhelming
at times as you take charge of practices, knowing your players inside and out, familiarizing yourself with the dynamics of
the team as well as keeping your players enthusiastic and committed. And there would be times wherein you just want to sit
back, relax and watch your players doing their thing on the field. Nevertheless, here are some softball coaching tips
that you can take in order to help keep these practice sessions fun and exciting, avoiding player boredom and increasing the
number of players who would be wanting to attend practice sessions more than twice a week even when game season has arrived. You
must note that attendance is one challenge that a coach faces during practice sessions. You need to make sure that your players
arrive on time so, that they can participate in the whole activity including warm up and cool down exercises. Most players,
especially kids, have not firmly grasped the effect of regular tardiness, which conveys disrespect. But do not blame them
too much as at times, it may not be their fault that they are late. You must also understand that female players and young
players are different in a way that women players value camaraderie with their teammates. Therefore, they need time to socialize
with one another before they actually start with the practice sessions. On the other hand, for young players, you need to
teach them the mechanics of softball in sections because they would not surely understand it if you given them the information
in one go. Other than ensuring attendance and learning about the idiosyncrasies of the team, you need to have good
organizational skills. For instance, it would be good if you can assign numbers to your players based on the order they have
arrived for practice. This way, all of you would know the order for the batting practice, which is usually the favorite part
of most players during a practice session. And this creates an incentive for players to arrive early for practice. Every
once in a while, have a scaled-down version of batting practice even before your players do the warm-up exercises because
doing so would enforce player's keenness for batting and when you keep this spontaneous, your player would be left anticipating
it. Thus, this would further motivate the team to be on time for the practice. Once all your players are present, ensure
that they start with warm up exercises to prepare them for the practice. But instead of sticking to boring exercises like
stretching and running around the bases, get creative with it. You can have your players play freeze tag or a relay race,
which fosters a competitive spirit, get their hearts pumping and their muscles warmed up. So, there you have it, softball coaching tips on how to have effective practice sessions. Good luck! Marc Dagenais is a Softball Peak Performance Coach that
helps softball players turn their athletic talent into extraordinary performances and help coaches get more out of their players,
turn their struggling team around or get an edge over their opponents. Visit us to sign-up to get our FREE softball pitching tips! Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marc_Dagenais ===Advertisement from our sponsor:===== Baseball2u.com and CoachesBest.com is your online super store for baseball batting cages, pitching machines and protective screens and nets. This fully licensed
company has a full time staff to help you from 8:00 to 5:00 CST. You may order securely online or by phone, toll free, at
1-877-431-4487. Check out these categories that are featured at Baseball2u.com. Jugs Complete PackagesBatting Cages60' Portable Batting Cage55' Portable Batting Cage70' Portable Batting CageExtender Batting Cage 30'Jugs Pitching MachinesIron Mike Pitching MachinesBATA Pitching MachinesHeater Pitching MachinesGranada Pitching MachinesPhantom Pitching Machines…and if you are looking for Youth Training Equipment, Advanced Baseball Training Equipment, Training Bats, and Pitching & Throwing Trainers, or Portable Mounds, they have those too! Plus, they have one the internet's largest selections of Baseball Training and Coaching DVDs and Books. Make sure to chweck our their CLEARANCE DEPARTMENT for rock bottom prices on top quality equipment.
By Todd Thomas In hitting there are 5 core principles that as a hitter you hope to execute on every swing. No thanks
to pitchers constantly attempting to mess up a hitter's timing and balance, these core movements aren't always present in
every swing. These core mechanics are dependent upon each other for a player to really execute their best swing. In order
to successfully execute one's best swing, these "parts" need to work together to maximize the hitting process. These five
core principles are the "blueprint" of a hitters basic mechanics. They are:
1. Weight Transfer 2. Hips lead the
hands 3. Matching the swing plane to the pitch plane or "leveling"* *(this involves the shoulder dip, tilting, &
getting the bat level to the ball) 4. Ideal contact 5. Staying inside the ball
These principles of hitting
are the foundation and are present in every good swing but they are not all always present in EVERY swing from the same player.
A player cannot, and will not, be consistently successful if they are regularly lacking in any one of these areas in the hitting
process. This is why Ted William's said that hitting a baseball is the single most difficult thing to do in any sport. Although,
I tend to disagree with Ted on this thought. Hitting a baseball(or softball) may be the second most difficult thing. I believe
TEACHING someone to hit a baseball/softball may be the most difficult thing to do in sports!
Do great hitters always
look great or even good at the plate? The simple obvious answer is NO. If the pitcher is successful as they often are, their
pitch will take one of the core elements away from the hitter. When this happens take a look at what happens to their swing.
The result are often less than favorable in these cases.
Oftentimes, a player who has excellent core hitting mechanics
can be struggling at the plate and even look awkward. If you regularly watch a lot of games and hitters as I do, you will
clearly recognize when a hitter gets into advantageous hitting positions and when they obviously did not. In the situations
when their swing looked "bad", that doesn't mean that the hitter has poor hitting mechanics. Rather, something in the process
was slightly off. One(or more) of the core mechanics was out of whack for whatever reason. A lot of times it's a hitter's
rhythm, timing and tempo that are off and they are "chasing" a pitch the pitcher fooled them with. Whatever the pitcher has
done, it has worked in that the hitters core mechanics are thrown off. As well all know, this doesn't always mean the hitter
doesn't get a hit. We've all seen the crazy off-balance swing where the hitter drops one in for a base hit. As well as, we
have all seen the "perfect" swing where the hitter smokes the ball only to have it fielded for an out by the defense.
thing to add here is two-strike situation. A hitter should be less concerned with staying perfect with their mechanics and
should be simply focusing on doing whatever it takes to make contact and put the ball in play. There is typically not much
a hitter can do when they have two strikes on them except let the ball travel as deep as possible and simply put the bat in
the path of the ball. Any thoughts of putting the perfect swing on a pitch when a hitter has two strikes must be out the window
and he/she should focus on making the adjustments necessary to put the ball in play.
What is the perfect swing anyway?
It's the adjustments a hitter makes appropriate to the pitch they get. This is the reason why a lot of times no two swings
look very similar. It all starts with the core mechanics and then expands from there. Every element is necessary to maximize
the swing process to a consistently high level. When a player is taught improper core mechanics or if core mechanics are not
firmly established, hitting problems are exacerbated greatly and hitting frustration is escalated. Learning the core mechanics
and learning them correctly while continually working on them is crucial to all hitters.
Todd Thomas is a Baseball
Coach and Professional Hitting Instructor for Mike Epstein Hitting. Coach Todd's personal hitting website is http://www.HitItHere.net. Coach Todd also enthusiastically endorses http://PlayMyBestBaseball.com as a place where baseball and softball hitters can master the Confidence, Composure, Focus and Consistency of
their game so they can reach their full potential.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Todd_Thomas ===Advertisement from our sponsor:=====
Baseball2u.com and CoachesBest.com is your online super store for baseball batting cages, pitching machines and protective screens and nets. This
fully licensed company has a full time staff to help you from 8:00 to 5:00 CST. You may order securely online or by phone,
toll free, at 1-877-431-4487. Check out these categories that are featured at Baseball2u.com. Jugs Complete PackagesBatting Cages60' Portable Batting Cage55' Portable Batting Cage70' Portable Batting CageExtender Batting Cage 30'Jugs Pitching MachinesIron Mike Pitching MachinesBATA Pitching MachinesHeater Pitching MachinesGranada Pitching MachinesPhantom Pitching Machines…and if you are looking for Youth Training Equipment, Advanced Baseball Training Equipment, Training Bats, and Pitching & Throwing Trainers, or Portable Mounds, they have those too! Plus, they have one the internet's largest selections of Baseball Training and Coaching DVDs and Books. Make sure to chweck our their CLEARANCE DEPARTMENT for rock bottom prices on top quality equipment.
SoftballCoachingDIGEST.COMBy Brad HenksI get asked quite often what kind of exercises to do to get in shape for softball. There are a lot of kids out there
that want to play the game but have never played. I think this is great. Fastpitch Softball is one of the most exciting sports
there is. I see some kids that want to start at the high school level. Again, this is awesome. It may be a little tough
if you have never played softball before to make your high school team though. It depends on several things, like how many
kids are going out, how many teams your school has - Varsity, JV, C team, Freshman team, etc. Some high schools are
only able to field enough players for a varsity. Others only have a Varsity and JV. So in those cases it is hard to say, you
may have a better chance there because they really need the players. So, what kind of workouts are good to get in shape
for the upcoming season? Well, you want to get some conditioning started now. If your season is 3-6 months away you have plenty
of time to get into good shape. If you only have a couple months well, you better get going strong now. There are several
areas of strength and speed needed to play this game of Fastpitch Softball at an elite level. Probably the area you need to
work on the most is your Core. That means work on your midsection, your upper body, your legs, your arm strength. Kind of
sounds like your whole body doesn't it. It kind of is. You will also need to get your throwing arm into throwing shape
and get the mechanics sound. A strong, and mechanically sound throwing arm will keep you playing and off the injured reserve
list. Always start your workout with some good dynamic warmups. Stretching is fine but that is really what you should
be doing at home and after practice to cool down. Dynamic warmups are moving basically stretches. You want to get your muscles
warm before you stretch them or do any hard workout. Warm muscles will be loose muscles and loose muscles will be quick,
strong and healthy muscles. There are many resources available to find more information about dynamic warmups. I may write
about that another time. Just do a search and you will find some good exercises to do. Here are some good ones to get
you started. Arm Circles: Stand with your arms out to the side and make small circles, then medium, then large circles
doing about 10 of each size, then reverse and go back down to small. Torso Twist: Stand with arms out to side, and
twist side to side about 10 times to warm up your lower back. Your back gets a lot of work playing softball. Butt Kicks:
Slowly jog forward kicking your feet up to your butt. Go about 20 feet, turn around and do them back to where you started. High
Knees: Raise your knees high as you slowly jog about 20 feet. Power Skips: Skip forward as high as you can. This gets
your nervous system kick started. Carioca: This is old school but does a good job of twisting and getting your coordination
working. There are many more good ones but that should get you started. To get yourself into shape for softball
you need to work on your core. A really good exercise for that is to start on your stomach on the floor, raise up on your
elbows and toes and hold that pose for about 30-60 seconds. Drop and rest about a minute, then repeat this 3-5 times. You
will definitely feel this in the abs, shoulders and the back of your legs if you are doing it correct. Other core work
can be medicine ball where you are sitting on the floor with your knees bent. Grab the ball and hold it in front of you. Twist
from side to side. Another good exercise with the medicine ball is to remain sitting, have a team mate toss the ball to you.
Catch it and then toss it back. Do this standing as well for a different set of muscle work. Pushups are great for
working the upper body, arms and shoulders. Try some variations such as the Inch worm.To do this get into a push up position,
slowly walk your feet up as far as you can, then walk your hands out until you are flat again. Repeat this across the room
or until you can't go anymore. Then do one more. The Marine style is a tough one. Start in an inverted pushup position
with your butt in the air. Then lean forward over your hands and then back. Kind of a wave motion. This one will work your
upper arms and shoulders. Let's move on to your legs. Doing Squats is a great exercise to increase your leg strength.
This will also help with running speed. Spend time on these and do them slowly and correctly. Another is to stand with
your back at a wall, slowly slide down until you are in a sitting position and extend your arms out in front of you. Hold
this for 45-60 seconds. Rest and repeat three times. This is really good for Catchers and Pitchers. Again, these give good
gains on running and stopping which is important in fastpitch softball. Plyometrics drills are great too. Basically
this is standing and jumping as high as you can. This is a great explosiveness drill. Fastpitch requires a great amount of
explosive movements in every position and play. Stand near a wall and try to jump and touch the ceiling or a mark on the wall.
Try to go higher with each jump. If you have some strong boxes or cardio steps you can use them too. Stand flat footed
in front of the step, jump up onto the step or box, then off the other side. Turn and jump back on the box and off the other
side. Try to find taller boxes or steps as your strength increases. Try variations of this drill by standing sideways and
jumping with one leg. Alternate legs and repeat. Now let's work your throwing arm. The best way is to just play catch
with a team mate. Grab your softball glove and let's get started.Start out with easy tosses close. Moving back as your arms
get warmed up and loose. Gradually work up to full speed throws and as far distance apart as you can. Do this for 10-15 minutes
then gradually cool down by working back closer together and easier tosses. If you don't have a teammate to play catch
with, you can use a batting cage, or pitching net to throw into. Another great thing is to hang an old blanket or tarp or
old piece of carpet over a branch of a tree and throw into it. Start out slow, get warmed up and then move back and really
let it all out. You can hang this in your garage on those rainy days or when the weather is bad. Running short sprints
is always good for softball conditioning. You will get really good at these the more you get into softball! Usually about
20 yard sprints is long enough. Remember, the bases are 60 feet apart so not much use sprinting a lot farther than that. Running
ladder sprints is a good idea too. Run these until you don't think you can go anymore. Then run one more. There are
a lot of variations of these exercises and many many more drills and exercises that you can do. It is actually good to mix
it up and do different ones every so often. That keeps the routine from getting boring and also works on different muscles
and in different ways. Now that we are done with our workout, let's stretch. You will get much better results from
stretching now than at the beginning of your workout. Stretch your arms, shoulders, back, legs and your mind. Keep learning
more about the game and exercises you can do. Ok, so we worked on our Core, our Legs, our Throwing Arm, and our Sprints.
That's a pretty good workout. Try to break these up and do a couple each day. Maybe do the core and legs, then the arms, core
and sprints another day. Try to workout 3-4 days a week. You want to give your body time to rest and recover between workouts
so give it a day off between workouts. If you follow this routine for the next 3 months you will be in good shape for fastpitch
softball season. Brad is a local softball enthusiast and has been involved in fastpitch softball and baseball for 20
years as a parent and coach. For more information on this subject and others please visit http://www.BuyFastpitchGloves.com for some of the best fastpitch softball gloves and related accessories. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brad_Henks
By Marc DagenaisDrill 1: Fast and Slow
Purpose: To practice changing speeds.
Procedure: Working with her
catcher, the pitcher alternates fast and off-speed pitches. The goal is to keep the delivery the same.
Drill 2: Football
Purpose: To develop correct rise-ball release.
Procedure: The pitcher throws a junior-sized football underhand
to a partner. Grip it along the seam with all the fingers and with the thumb on the opposite side. The ball should spiral.
If it wobbles in flight, the palm has turned toward the catcher at release.
Drill 3: Four-Corner Control
To develop control and accuracy.
Procedure: The pitcher throws to the extreme four corners of the strike zone. When
she achieves accuracy at one spot, she moves the target to the next corner. A catcher or a target on the wall can be used.
To adjust for the in and out targets, the pitcher must adjust her body angle from her normal stance. She turns the toe on
the rubber about a half inch in or out from the position she used to throw to the middle of the plate.
Drill 4: Wrist
Snap Behind Back
Purpose: To develop the wrist snap by isolating the wrist, which prevents the pitcher from using the
elbow to snap the ball.
Procedure: The pitcher stands sideways 5 to 10 feet from the catcher or a wall. The glove side
faces the target, and the ball is behind the back. The pitcher flips the ball by snapping the wrist.
Drill 5: Oversized
and Undersized Ball Spins
Purpose: To make the pitcher practice throwing a riseball.
Procedure: Using a baseball
or an 11-inch ball may help the pitcher make the correct movements to get underneath the ball. The smaller the size of the
ball allows the fingers to be more flexible and allows the correct movements to occur with less effort. A pitcher can use
an undersized ball when initially trying to create muscle memory for the correct spin movements. An oversized ball is helpful
in speeding up the wrist snap because the hand must pass under more area in the same amount of time. The oversized ball can
also illustrate the spin to a pitcher who may be struggling with the backward concept. A 14-inch ball seems to be the perfect
size because the pitcher can hold on to it comfortably throughout the circle before snapping the wrist at release. The routine
used with these balls can mirror the routing used with the Spinner-starting close up without the circle and adding distance
as well as the full circle.
Marc Dagenais is a softball peak performance coach that provides softball tips, softball
drills, and information on techniques for hitting, pitching, coaching, and training through his blog at http://www.softballperformance.com/blogHe also helps softball players and coaches improves their game by sharing with them the tips and strategies
used by the world's best softball players and coaches to achieve extraordinary performances. You can sign-up to get his FREE
Softball Tips at http://www.softballperformance.com/softball-tips.html Go Sign-up Now!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marc_Dagenais
Check out these coaching articles at the Softball Coaching Digest: ---SoftballCoachingDigest.com ---Articles from the Youth Softball Coaching Clinic Blog ---Articles from the Coaching Fastpitch Softball Pitchers Blog ---Articles from the Coaching Fastpitch Softball Hitters Blog ---Articles from the Tips for Fastpitch Softball Coaches Blog ---The Fastpitch Softball Training Equipment Blog
By Becky Wittenburg Any softball coach or player who wants to learn more softball drills can easily find a lot of drills
in books and videos and on the internet. Most of these drills cost money but some of them are free. These free girls softball
fastpitch drills are very good. Most of the free drills focus on throwing, fielding, and hitting the ball.
the Ball
The position of a player determines the most common types of throws that player will have to make. For
example, a 3rd baseman will need to make hard throws all the way across the diamond to 1st base while a right fielder will
most commonly have to make a longer throw from the outfield to a cut-off man near the infield or to a base.
The Before
Inning Warm-up Drill
All softball coaches and players know what players do before an inning begins. The first baseman
throws a grounder to each infielder while the outfielder stands in their positions and play catch. This is a common drill
during games but it should also be performed everyday in practice.
The Relay Throws Drill
The Relay Throws
Drill is another one of the good free girls softball fastpitch drills. This drill involves 2 outfields lining up on each side
of an infielder. Each player should be about 100 feet apart.
One of the outfielders starts out with the ball and throws
the infielder the ball using the crow-hop. The infielder catches the ball, pivots, and uses the crow-hop while throwing the
ball to the other outfielder. That outfielder catches the ball and then throws back to the infielder, once again using the
This drill allows all 3 players to practice throwing using a crow-hop. It also helps teach the outfielders
to hit the cutoff man. Finally, it helps the infielder practice receiving the cutoff throw, pivoting, and throwing to the
desired base.
It doesn’t matter how well a team can hit and pitch if the team can’t
play good defense in the field. The key to playing good defense is for every player to be fundamentally sound. A great drill
for this the No Glove Fielding Drill.
The No Glove Fielding Drill
Just as the name suggests, this fastpitch
softball drill requires players to field the ball without a glove. The drill can be run with bare hands or with a board that
is specially made for the drill and worn on the fielders’ glove hand.
Players can either field balls hit to them
by the coach (more advanced) or they can field balls rolled to them. They need to concentrate on keeping their upper bodies
square with the ball (get in front of the ball), bending at the knees, and cradling the ball with two hands into their body.
players master the technique of fielding without a glove then they will find fielding with a glove much easier.
only way for a player to get better with hitting the ball is for them to actually hit. Players can either hit a ball off a
tee (to work on the basics) or they can hit pitches. Also, a part of hitting that is often overlooked is bunting. Players
should be required to lay down at least 3 bunts every time they take batting practice (BP). If possible, players should take
BP every practice and before every game.
Look for Free Girls Fastpitch Softball Drills
Softball players
need to be drilled on the basics of the game (throwing, fielding, and hitting) as often as possible. Any coach or player who
is looking for drills to do can easily find them. In fact, there are a great many free girls softball fastpitch drills on
the internet.
Becky Wittenburg has been coaching softball for over 15 years- it is her true passion. She's constantly
on the lookout for new free girls softball fastpitch drills. You can get instant access to a sample of her softball practice
plans by visiting her website:
SoftballSpot.comFor a limited time, all coaches who visit Becky's site will also get a free copy of her special report:
"The 7 Biggest Mistakes Softball Coaches Make". Go get your free copy today!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Becky_Wittenburg
SoftballrUs.com/FastpitchSoftballSupply.com is the ultimate online fastpitch softball online store. SoftballrUs.com has Batting Trainers,Pitching Training, Training Bats,Defensive Training Equipment,Coaching DVDs & Books, Softball Pitching Machines, Softball Complete Net & Frame Batting Cage Packages, Batting Cage Nets, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, and BatAction Hitting Machines, and much, much more. Visit Softballrus.com now!
By Marc Dagenais
In softball, it is the job of the defensive team to force the offensive team to commit errors. It's
the role of the pitcher and the catcher to prevent the batter from hitting the ball, the basemen to protect the bases, and
the outfielders to catch balls the come to their direction.
Therefore, it would be a huge mistake for defensive players
to allow the offense to turn the tables on them, and forcing the defense to commit errors.
Since the pitcher plays
a huge role in defense along with the catcher, she must keep errors on her part to a minimum. Doing that would increase her
team's chances of winning the game.
Here are some softball pitching tips I have for you to prevent the common errors
most pitchers make.
Pitching with the Arm
At first glance, it looks as if most of the pitching motion and accuracy
depends on the arm. After all, how strong the pitch is depends on the power the pitcher's arm can deliver.
But the
truth is that the pitching motion begins with the legs, connects to the hips and simply culminates with the release of the
ball from the hand.
That's why I recommend that you get a total training if you want to become a good pitcher. Focus
on how you can improve your balance and motion with your legs and hips, as much as you would go to the gym and strengthen
your arm muscles.
Pitching with a Straight Arm
Pitching with a straight arm seems like a logical idea when it
comes to pitching. It's probably good if it's how you throw the ball naturally. Otherwise, I would recommend a whipping motion
to enable you to throw your pitch much efficiently.
Not Giving Enough Time to Develop Your Pitch
It's fantastic
if your team has a training coach that will help you improve your pitching. And it's even better if you can invest on hiring
a personal training coach who can give you more personalized advice when it comes to your game.
However, it's easy
to treat these options as a crutch and expect yourself to become a fantastic pitcher in just several sessions.
truth of the matter is that it takes a lot of time for you to totally develop your pitching skills. Some young players may
not show a lot of promise at the beginning, only to develop their skills by the time they're in their teens.
What I'm
getting at here is that you should persist if you really want to be a good pitcher. Develop your mechanics, strengthen the
muscles that you use for pitching, and put your own personal stamp on pitching that batters won't be able to read easy.
things take time. But when you fully develop your pitching skills, the rewards are fantastic.
Now that you know what
some of the softball pitching errors you should avoid, why don't you try it out for yourself and apply what you've just read
Marc Dagenais is a softball peak performance coach that helps softball players and coaches improves their game
by sharing with them the tips and strategies used by the world's best softball players and coaches to achieve extraordinary performances. Visit his site
and sign-up to get his FREE softball hitting tips!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marc_Dagenais
By Marc Dagenais
It is known to every pitcher that a good hitter won't able to beat a good pitcher. Softball pitching
is one of the most difficult positions in a softball game. It is a skill that needs your intense thinking to what would be
the best strategy to use while keeping yourself in concentration inside the diamond. It is a must that if you desire to be
good pitcher, you should know what are the drills to use in order to improve your pitching skills.
softball pitching is not innate in us, it is being developed! Why have your drills? First, it is to identify the key parts
of motion so that you can concentrate on it. This will also speed up your learning. Second, drill makes you repeat your movement
per time. With this kind of training, you would be able to master the pitching mechanics. It is a must that you should get
the correct form so as to perfect it.
Here are some of those drills that you can use in perfecting that excellent pitch.
Static pitching - you will throw the ball so a catcher should stand by. You should be facing the catcher about 8 to 10 meters
(24 to 30 feet) in distance. Throw the ball in windmill motion while the feet remains steady or stay in place. Rotate your
body in full motion. You may start at easy pace. Just add more speed gradually as you become comfortable with your motion.
This drill promotes upper body rotation increase your pitching power.
2. Dry Pitching - you may begin with the typical
pitching position, long step forward, and stride foot in front of pivot foot. At a rate of 1minute per second. Pitch your
arm in continuous full circles. You should aim your rounding circles with your target, with your arms close to head at top.
Arm must meet your hips at point of release on each repetition. This drill is designed develop a perfect circle and to promote
arm-hip coordination.
3. Pendulum drill - begin with a long step forward, with your foot in a stride position in front
of your pivot foot. Your pitching hand should be at the top of the down-swing, or half back of the circle. Put your pitching
arm down to the release point and hold it tight against body for a second. The weight should be at your back foot. Finish
the movement by forcing the body and hips forward by pushing hard with your pivot foot. As your movement becomes natural,
allow your arm to swing right through without pausing. Just ensure that the arm continues to brush your hip each time you
do it. This drill will improve your throwing skills with your whole body working, not just with your arms.
These are
just some of those many softball pitching drills that you can use in order to improve your pitching skills. By continue doing
those drill and research some more will guarantee you a best form in doing your softball pitching.
Marc Dagenais, MHK,
CSCS, is a softball peak performance coach that helps players and teams hit with more power, run faster, throw harder, become mentally tougher, and
be more dominant on the softball field. Visit us and sign-up to get tons of great FREE softball pitching tips to boost your game!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marc_Dagenais
SoftballrUs.com/FastpitchSoftballSupply.com is the ultimate online fastpitch softball online store. SoftballrUs.com has Batting Trainers,Pitching Training, Training Bats,Defensive Training Equipment,Coaching DVDs & Books, Softball Pitching Machines, Softball Complete Net & Frame Batting Cage Packages, Batting Cage Nets, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, and BatAction Hitting Machines, and much, much more. Visit Softballrus.com now!
By Marc Dagenais It is very vital for softball pitchers to know and breathe the basics. One cannot perform at his or her
best in fastpitch softball if he or she does not know or is not adept with the basics of softball pitching.
There are
four mechanics which is essential when it comes to the effective execution of every single softball pitch:
The stride should at all times be taken with the pitching hand opposite the foot. The distance is individual
but it should be a long walking step. Balance is everything when it comes to looking for the perfect stride. So find where
you are most comfortable, balanced, and energized.
The Arm Circle
The arms of the pitcher must be fully
relaxed. The circle must be a complete rotation and must be at the same direction as the force. Rotate the pitching arm in
a clockwise motion. As the ball is released, the pitching must be quite close to the body particularly the hips.
Hip Thrust
The hip thrust is said to be the hardest of the four mechanics because it involves the simultaneous use
of the hips and the pitching hand... At the point of release, the hips should move forward in order to add some more force
and momentum in the pitch. Keep the weight back and push with the pivot foot to achieve this.
The Follow Through
the ball has been released, the arm should continue to about eye or should level then stop. The pivot foot continues to move
forward and ends up being planted on the side to give the softball pitcher his or her balance.
Those are the four basic
softball pitching mechanics that every softball pitcher should know. With the knowledge of these four, you can most certainly
perform at your peak in softball pitching.
Marc Dagenais is a softball peak performance coach that helps softball players and coaches improves their game by sharing with them the tips and strategies used
by the world's best softball players and coaches to achieve extraordinary performances. Visit his site and sign-up to get
his FREE softball hitting tips!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marc_Dagenais
SoftballrUs.com/FastpitchSoftballSupply.com is the ultimate online fastpitch softball online store. SoftballrUs.com has Batting Trainers,Pitching Training, Training Bats,Defensive Training Equipment,Coaching DVDs & Books, Softball Pitching Machines, Softball Complete Net & Frame Batting Cage Packages, Batting Cage Nets, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, and BatAction Hitting Machines, and much, much more. Visit Softballrus.com now!
SoftballrUs.com SoftballrUs.com SoftballrUs.comBy Marc DagenaisAs a softball pitcher you should know that your position on the team is probably the most important.
When team fill out their roster, the first thing they look for is great pitching. Pitchers then should know that they need
to be good students of the game and be aware of what is needed from them in the different situations that can take place during
a game. Pitchers usually are the difference maker in a game and so if they don't have their A game, then chances are their
team won't be victorious. The following softball pitching tips are good pointers for the position and give pitchers a good
heads up on how they should approach their craft.
Tip 1 - Throwing a fastball. Use two points to keep your arm properly
aligned. Your biceps brush your ear at the top of the backswing, and your pitching hand brushes your hip at release.
2 - Throwing a curve-ball. Pitchers should know that in order to maximize the curve, you should visualize a series of dots
from the mound to the outside corner of the plate. Pitch along those dots.
Tip 3 - Throwing a fastpitch rise. It's
possible that your wrist snap may be sideways. Play with different grips or finger pressures and try to relax them.
4 - Throwing a change-up. Don't always throw the change-up in a given situation. Make sure to change your pitch selection.
5 - Throwing a drop-ball. Keep your pitching arm close to your body to avoid injury.
Marc Dagenais is a softball peak
performance coach that provides softball tips, softball drills, and information on techniques for hitting, pitching, coaching,
and training through his blog at http://www.softballperformance.com/blogHe also helps softball players and coaches improves their game by sharing with them the tips and strategies
used by the world's best softball players and coaches to achieve extraordinary performances. You can sign-up to get his FREE
Softball Tips at http://www.softballperformance.com/softball-tips.html Go Sign-up Now!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marc_Dagenais
 SoftballrUs.com/FastpitchSoftballSupply.com is the ultimate online fastpitch softball online store. SoftballrUs.com has Batting Trainers,Pitching Training, Training Bats,Defensive Training Equipment,Coaching DVDs & Books, Softball Pitching Machines, Softball Complete Net & Frame Batting Cage Packages, Batting Cage Nets, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, and BatAction Hitting Machines, and much, much more. Visit Softballrus.com now!
By Marc DagenaisIn softball, it is the job of the defensive team to force the offensive team to commit errors. It's the
role of the pitcher and the catcher to prevent the batter from hitting the ball, the basemen to protect the bases, and the
outfielders to catch balls the come to their direction.
Therefore, it would be a huge mistake for defensive players
to allow the offense to turn the tables on them, and forcing the defense to commit errors.
Since the pitcher plays
a huge role in defense along with the catcher, she must keep errors on her part to a minimum. Doing that would increase her
team's chances of winning the game.
Here are some softball pitching tips I have for you to prevent the common errors
most pitchers make.
Pitching with the Arm
At first glance, it looks as if most of the pitching motion and accuracy
depends on the arm. After all, how strong the pitch is depends on the power the pitcher's arm can deliver.
But the
truth is that the pitching motion begins with the legs, connects to the hips and simply culminates with the release of the
ball from the hand.
That's why I recommend that you get a total training if you want to become a good pitcher. Focus
on how you can improve your balance and motion with your legs and hips, as much as you would go to the gym and strengthen
your arm muscles.
Pitching with a Straight Arm
Pitching with a straight arm seems like a logical idea when it
comes to pitching. It's probably good if it's how you throw the ball naturally. Otherwise, I would recommend a whipping motion
to enable you to throw your pitch much efficiently.
Not Giving Enough Time to Develop Your Pitch
It's fantastic
if your team has a training coach that will help you improve your pitching. And it's even better if you can invest on hiring
a personal training coach who can give you more personalized advice when it comes to your game.
However, it's easy
to treat these options as a crutch and expect yourself to become a fantastic pitcher in just several sessions.
truth of the matter is that it takes a lot of time for you to totally develop your pitching skills. Some young players may
not show a lot of promise at the beginning, only to develop their skills by the time they're in their teens.
What I'm
getting at here is that you should persist if you really want to be a good pitcher. Develop your mechanics, strengthen the
muscles that you use for pitching, and put your own personal stamp on pitching that batters won't be able to read easy.
things take time. But when you fully develop your pitching skills, the rewards are fantastic.
Now that you know what
some of the softball pitching errors you should avoid, why don't you try it out for yourself and apply what you've just read
Marc Dagenais is a softball peak performance coach that helps softball players and coaches improves their game by sharing with them the tips and strategies
used by the world's best softball players and coaches to achieve extraordinary performances. Visit his site and sign-up to
get his FREE softball hitting tips!
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