Balance Of Power! Hitting Tips For Youth Baseball Players
By Chip Lemin
The most valuable advice that a youth baseball coach can give
a young hitter is to think about hitting the ball up the middle. If you think about hitting up the middle, you can adjust
to hit the ball wherever it is pitched. If you go to the plate hoping to pull the ball, you will struggle hitting an outside
pitch. Your front side will have opened up too soon and you will not be able to drive a pitch on the outside part of the plate.
You have to have balance in everything that you do in baseball, especially in hitting. Your body is going to move, but you
must keep your head still. The only way to do that is to have good balance. Youth baseball bats are no different than adults
bats, they need balance.
Concentration at the plate is critical, and positive thinking
helps. You have to walk up to the plate saying to yourself, "I'm going to hit the ball. A hitter needs rhythm. Try to watch
the pitcher's hand and keep your eye on the ball be aggressive at the plate, but also remain loose and relaxed. If you let
your arms get too tight, you will lose the advantage of having good wrist action for your swing, as well as your power.
You should have a purpose to each swing in batting practice.
In your first round of batting practice you might concentrate on hitting every pitch to the opposite field. In the next round,
try to make sure that you are swinging down on the ball. Prepare yourself for game situations, or the practice will not be
as helpful as it could be If you find yourself in a slump, try to concentrate on defense and possibly save the game with a
good play. Slumping hitters should remember that it does not always take a home run to help the team.
Youth baseball players and coaches should look to improve
the mental outlook of the whole team with positive comments to all players.Negative comments will not bring anything good
to the team morale.Hitting is so much about confidence.Hitting a baseball is very difficult skill that sometimes gets overlooked
by coaches,players,and parents.Sometimes we take for granted how skilled these youth baseball players are and want even more
out of them.Let's just have fun and enjoy this great game of youth baseball.
About Coach Chip
Hello My name is Chip Lemin. I'm a long time
youth baseball coach who loves to promote this great game of youth baseball. Promoting sportsmanship in this game of youth
baseball is something that really needs I feel. I have a free e-course that will give you some solid coaching information
along with great help on the inter-personal relationships we must have to be good youth baseball coaches.Things such as parents,
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It really is not very hard to be a great coach when you know what to do.Best of all you will learn how to have fun with these
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chip_Lemin |

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